Title Poduzetništvo i gospodarstvo temeljeno na inovacijama: CROWDFUNDING - novi alternativni način financiranja poslovnih ideja
Title (english) CROWFUNDING - a new alternative way of financing business ideas and projects
Author Martina Mikac
Mentor Violeta Šugar (mentor)
Committee member Ines Kersan-Škabić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Violeta Šugar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Afrić Rakitovac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2017-09-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Crowdfunding je jednostavan, a njegova cijena i uvjeti korištenja pristupačni su svakome. S
obzirom na financiranje kod banaka, ovo je jednostavniji model zbog toga što nema posebne
provjere kreditne sposobnosti osobe koja potražuje novčana sredstva, dok su banke puno
kompliciranije zbog mnoštva ugovora te zbog mogućnosti nerazumijevanja istih, te stvaranja
konfuzije i problema, kao što je primjer sa kreditima u švicarcima. Crowdfunding dopire do
različitih tržišnih segmenata, kao što su neprofitni sektor, borba protiv siromaštva,
financiranje društveno korisnih projekata i sl. Pokriva isto tako i potrebe srednjih i malih
poduzeća koja umjesto da traže zajmove banaka, sve se više okreću crowdfundingu te online
platformama gdje mogu otvoreno i jednostavno promovirati svoje ideje i projekte. Postoje 4
glavne vrste crowdfundinga, a to su crowdfunding koji se temelji na donacijama, nagradama,
vlasničkim udjelima te na posuđivanju, a diljem svijeta djeluje više od 1000 različitih
platformi. U Hrvatskoj za sada djeluju 4 platforme.
Hrvatska i nije baš najbolje pozicionirana kada je u pitanju crowdfunding, te poprilično
zaostaje za drugim europskim zemljama. Financijske institucije i regulatorna tijela u
Hrvatskoj još uvijek, u velikoj mjeri ne primjećuju prednosti ovakvog načina financiranja te
ga koče svojim birokratiziranim procedurama i propisima, te ne postojanjem zakonskih
okvira. Valja spomenuti da osobe koje imaju kreativne projekte i koje žele pokrenuti
kampanju, sredstva potrebna za njihovu realizaciju projekata traže ponajviše na stranim
platformama, a ponajviše zbog toga što se u Hrvatskoj suočavaju sa već prije navedenim
preprekama. Nema nekih jasnih predviđanja kakva budućnost očekuje crowdfunding u
Hrvatskoj, ali valja se nadati da će se situacija popraviti i da će crowdfunding zaživjeti.
U posljednje vrijeme kako ovaj sektor financiranja u svijetu i u Europi raste sve se više
banaka počelo uključivati u crowdfunding zbog toga što shvaćaju njegovu važnost i svjedoci
su ekspanzije ovakvog pristupačnog i jednostavnog načina financiranja. Predviđanja su da će
crowdfunding te crowdfunding platforme postati jedan od primarnih izvora financijskih
sredstava i usluga za mlađe generacije. Istraživanje koje je provela svjetska banka govori
kako će vrijednost crowdfundinga do 2020. g. iznositi više od 100 milijardi dolara, što će
potaknuti otvaranje više od dva milijuna novih radnih mjesta.
Abstract (english) Crowdfunding is simple, and its price and conditions are accessible to everyone. With regard
to financing from banks, this is a simpler model because there is no special checking of
creditworthiness of the person who claimed the funds. However, banks are much more
complicated because of the multitude of contracts and because of the possibility of
misunderstanding them, creating confusion and problems, such as the example of loans in
Swiss. Crowdfunding reaches different market segments, such as the non-profit sector, the
fight against poverty, socially beneficial projects, etc. It also covers the needs of small and
medium enterprises that instead of seeking bank loans, they are increasingly turning to
crowdfunding and online platforms where they can open and easily promote their ideas and
projects. There are four main types of crowdfunding, namely donation-based, reward-based,
debt-based and equity crowdfunding. For now, there are only four platforms in Croatia.
Croatia is not so well positioned when it comes to crowdfunding and it is quite inferior
considering the other European countries. Financial institutions and regulatory bodies in
Croatia still largely fail to notice the benefits of this type of financing and with bureaucratic
procedures and regulations, they are stopping and making usage of crowdfunding very
complicated. It's notable to mention that most of the people from Croatia who are having
some creative and quality projects, are using foreign platforms for collecting the funds they
need for realization of projects. As it is known, mostly because of the obstacles they are
facing when is about crowdfunding in Croatia. There are no clear predictions about future of
crowdfunding in Croatia, but hopefully it good to believe that situation will get better and that
crowdfunding in Croatia will show better results in the years that follow.
As this financing sector in Europe and in the world is growing more and more, banks began to
involve in crowdfunding because they understand its importance and witness the expansion of
such an accessible and more simple ways of funding. Predictions are that the crowdfunding
and crowdfunding platforms will become one of the primary sources of financial funds for the
upcoming young generation. Research conducted by the World Bank says that the value of
crowdfunding until 2020. will exceed $100 billion, which will encourage the creation of more
than two million new jobs.
crowdfunding platforme
crowdfunding u Hrvatskoj
Vitastiq 2
STEM revolucija
Pebble smart watch
Weissenhaus kampanja
Keywords (english)
crowdfunding platforms
crowdfunding in Croatia
Vitastiq 2
STEM revolution
Pebble smart watch
Weissenhaus campaign
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:119941
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Management and Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-03-23 10:30:55