Title Društvene inovacije i poduzetništvo
Title (english) Social innovation and entrepreneurship
Author Stefan Koroman
Mentor Violeta Šugar (mentor)
Committee member Ines Kersan-Škabić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Violeta Šugar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Afrić Rakitovac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2018-02-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Inovacije su pojam koji prati čovječanstvo od samog njegovog početka pa sve
do danas. Od otkrića vatre, oruđa, preko poljoprivrede, industrijskih revolucija
pa sve do tehnološkog napretka 21. stoljeća. Inovacijom se smatra primjena
novog ili značajno poboljšanog proizvoda procesa, nove marketinške metode
ili nove ustrojstvene metode u poslovnim praksama, organizaciji radnog
mjesta ili vanjskim odnosima. Inovacije su ključan čimbenik rasta i napretka
poslovanja svakog poduzeća pa tako i samog gospodarstva.
Društvene inovacije predstavljaju temelj i osnovni alat u “borbi” s negativnim
aspektima društvenog utjecaja kapitalističkog i čisto ekonomski i profitno
usmjerenog načina ponašanja svih mikro, malih, srednjih i velikih poduzeća
unutar svih svjetskih gospodarstava. Predstavljaju sve ideje, organizacijske
oblike, procese, strategije, proizvode i usluge koje svojim djelovanjem
unaprjeđuju i poboljšavaju društveno okruženje, štite okoliš i potiču razvoj
zdrave zelene ekonomije.
Poduzetništvo je temelj izgradnje i napretka gospodarstva neke zemlje.
Ekonomski, gospodarski, društveni, institucionalni razvoj neke zemlje ovisi
prvenstveno o poduzetničkom razvoju u toj zemlji.
Društveno poduzetništvo relativno je nov pojam u ekonomiji, a glavna razlika
između navedenog oblika i ostalih oblika poduzetništva, jesu upravo ciljevi na
kojima društveno poduzetništvo počiva. Ti ciljevi baziraju se na ispunjenju
društvenih zadaća, pomaganju onim skupinama u društvu koji su u riziku od
društvene isključenosti, težnji ka održivom razvoju, te uz navedeno
ostvarivanje profita. Društveno poduzetništvo ima važnu ulogu i u stabilizaciji
tržišta rada, jer upravo društvena poduzeća najviše zapošljavaju
marginalizirane skupine radnika kao što su (majke, osobe starije životne dobit,
osobe s tjelesnim ili mentalnim invaliditetom, ne educiranu radnu snagu i sl.).
Društvene inovacije i društveno poduzetništvo još su uvijek nedovoljno poznat
i prihvaćen način razmišljanja i djelovanja u gospodarstvu i na tržištu RH.
Društvenih inovacija nema mnogo, a većina onih koje se implementiraju nisu
originalne inovacije implementatora već kopije viđenog na drugim tržištima i gospodarstvima. Inovacije općenito predstavljaju slabu točku i veliki izazov
hrvatskom gospodarstvu. Razlog tome temelji se na nedovoljnom ulaganju u
istraživačko-razvojne aktivnosti i grane.
Abstract (english) Innovations are the term that follows mankind from its very beginnings until
today, from the discovery of fire, tools, agriculture, industrial revolution, and
up to the technological advancement of the 21st century. Innovation is
considered to be the application of a new or significantly improved product
process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational approach to
business practices, job organization or external relations. Innovations are the
main key growth and business performance of every business, including the
economy itself.
Social innovations are the foundation and basic tool in "struggle" with negative
aspects of social influence of capitalist and purely economic and profitoriented
behavior of all micro, small, medium and large enterprises within all
world economies. Social innovations represent all the ideas, organizational
forms, processes, strategies, products and services that improve their social
environment and protect it and also encourage the development of a healthy
green economy.
Entrepreneurship is the foundation of the country's construction and prosperity.
The economic, social and institutional development of a country depends
primarily on entrepreneurial development in that country.
Social entrepreneurship is a relatively new term in economics, and the main
difference between this form and other forms of entrepreneurship is precisely
the goals on which social entrepreneurship is based. These goals are based
on the fulfillment of social tasks, helping those groups in society who are at
risk of social exclusion, aspirations to sustainable development, and with the
aforementioned profit realization. Social entrepreneurship plays an important
role in stabilizing the labor market as socially-owned enterprises employ the
most marginalized groups of workers such as mothers, elderly people, people
with physical or mental disabilities, non-educated workforce, and so on.
Social innovations and social entrepreneurship are still insufficiently known
and accepted in the way of thinking and acting in the economy and on the Croatian market. There are not many social innovations, and most of those
implemented are not original innovators of the implementer, but the copies
seen in other markets and economies. Innovations in general represent a
weak point and a major challenge for the Croatian economy. The reason for
this is based on insufficient investment in research and development activities
and branches.
društvene inovacije
društveno poduzetništvo
načela društvenog poduzetništva
istraživanje i razvoj
održivi razvoj
marginalizirane skupine radnika
Keywords (english)
social innovation
social entrepreneurship
principles of social entrepreneurship
research and development
sustainable development
marginalized groups of workers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:605682
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Management and Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-04-27 13:36:37