Title Kvaliteta kredita po sektorima i valutama hrvatskih kreditnih institucija
Title (english) Credit quality by sectors and currencies of Croatia credit institutions
Author Elena Babić
Mentor Manuel Benazić (mentor)
Committee member Dean Učkar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Manuel Benazić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniel Tomić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2018-04-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Abstract Kreditne institucije u Republici Hrvatskoj prema Zakonu o kreditnim institucijama dijele se na banke, štedne banke i stambene štedionice. Prethodne je 2016. godine na tržištu poslovala 31 kreditna institucija od kojih su 26 bile banke a 5 stambene štedionice. Struktura vlasništva ukazuje da su banke većinom (15) u stranom vlasništvu. Njihovo je poslovanje propisano prvenstveno Zakonom o kreditnim institucijama, potom raznim Uredbama od Europske unije kojih smo se dužni pridržavati i implementirati, i ostalim dokumentima koje pruža Hrvatska narodna banka koja je ujedno nadzorno tijelo kreditnih institucija. Bankovno kreditiranje može biti usmjereno prema poslovnim subjektima ili prema kućanstvima, ovisno o strukturi banke je li ona velika, srednja ili mala, regionalna banka. Banka prilikom kreditiranja sastavlja ugovor o kreditu u kojem navodi sve stavke koje su neophodne za nastanak i pravodobno vraćanje kredita. Kreditni se proces potom odvija u fazama, čiji je cilj prikupiti čim više informacija kako bi se banka mogla obraniti od možebitnog kreditnog rizika ili valutno induciranog kreditnog rizika. Najčešći instrumenti smanjenja ili zaštite od navedenih rizika nalaze se u programu za upravljanje kreditnim rizikom koje banka samostalno sastavlja prema smjernicama Hrvatske narodne banke, a uključuje prvenstveno razradu internih kontrola ili pak određivanje bonitetnog limita. Sve to zbog zaštite banaka ali i korisnika kredita, klijentu koji ne prođe procjenu kreditne sposobnosti neće biti odobren kredit. Analizom po sektorima i valutama prikazano je bankovno kreditiranje. Promatrajući ukupne kredite od 2008. godine do kraja 2017. godine oni su završili jedan ciklus rasta, do 2011. godine bilježili su rast te nakon toga padaju, moguće je za očekivati ponovni rast ukupnih kredita. Gledajući sektor stanovništva posebice pri gotovinskim nenamjenskim kreditima iznos kredita usporedno s prethodnom godinom rastao je za 2,2 mlrd kuna, što znači da se stanovništvo ponovno zadužuje i zasigurno će se sektor nefinancijskih društva priključiti, posebice kada je usporedno s prethodnom godinom vidljiv rast od gotovo 300 mil kuna u poljoprivredi, šumarstvu i ribarstvu, što govori kako se gospodarstvo oporavlja od velikih gubitaka koje su ga zadesile tokom vremena.
Abstract (english) Credit institutions in Republic of Croatia are being regulated by the Credit Institution Law, which divides credit institutions into banks, saving banks and housing savings bank. In the year 2016 there were 31 credit institutions that were operating on the market, of which 26 were banks and 5 were housing savings bank. Considering the ownership structure of these banks it is visible that most of the banks are from foreigners. Their business is prescribed by the Law, then by the Regulations from the European Union, and all the other documents that could be given by the Croatian National Bank. Bank lending can be for business entities or for households depending on the structure and size of the bank. A loan agreement is written when a bank is considering to accept the loan request, everything from the beginning and terms of seeking the loan to the ending of the agreement where both sides need to agree is described in it. Credit process is described and divided into six parts, it has a goal of collecting the most information that is possible about the seeker of the loan in order to defend the bank from risks, especially the credit risk. Instruments that are used to limit the credit risks are written in the Program of risk management which is written by the bank itself. It includes internal regulations for the risk management or even the establishment of limits that cannot be crossed when dealing with one subject. A client who did not pass the credit capability test will not be given the loan. Quality of bank loaning is shown by the sector and currency analysis. When looking at total loans from 2008 to the end of year 2017, we can see that they have gone through one growth cycle. Total loans have grown until the year 2011, and after that started to fall. With that in mind it is possible to expect another recovery in total loan growth. General-purpose cash loans by the household sector grew by 2,2 bn HRK in comparison to the previous year, it means that the households are starting to borrow again, they will be for sure followed by the non-financial corporations. In comparison to the previous year, the agriculture, forestry and fishing has had a growth of nearly 300 mil HRK. The economy will recover from the great losses it has made over a period of time.
kreditna institucija
kreditni rizik
valutno inducirani kreditni rizik
Keywords (english)
credit institutions
credit risk
currency induced credit risk
credit quality
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:549236
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Financial Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-05-07 10:39:20