Title Identitet ženskih likova u dječjem romanu
Title (english) The identity of female characters in children`s novel
Author Dea Dragosavac
Mentor Kristina Riman (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Riman (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Pavletić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2018-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract Rad se temelji na analizi ženskih likova u dječjem romanu iz područja dječje književnosti. Kroz diskurs dječje književnosti i uvodom u teoriju romana istražuje se ženski identitet u jeziku. Osim što se u radu analizira identitet okarakteriziranih djevojaka, istraživanje je obuhvatilo interpretacijska svojstva s psihoanalitičkog, antropološkog i jezičnog aspekta. Analiza identiteta ženskih likova u dječjem romanu obuhvaća djela koja su subjektivnim i vlastitim odabirom postala glavno žarište mitskog, psihoanalitičkog i književno-umjetničkog problematiziranja određenih etapa odrastanja i sazrijevanja junakinja. U potrazi za identitetom istaknute su djevojčice na pragu postojanja i osvješćivanja vlastite slike o sebi, kroz realistično i fantastično pisanje, odnosno svjesno i nesvjesno, metaforičko konstruiranje osobnog identiteta. Kroz prizmu junakinja, Dorothy i Alisu, predstavljeni su snovi kao simbolička interpretacija zbiljske pojavnosti i zrcaljenja realnih problema djetinjstva. Autobiografskom reminiscencijom djetinjstva Jagode Truhelke, predstavljena je interpretacija Anice, te utjecaj vremena i živopisne sredine koja je oblikovala njezinu osobnost. Na pragu emocionalne izoliranosti i otuđenosti, Mary otkriva tajne vlastite transformacije i ljepote življenja koja u interpretativnom segmentu ima bolni predznak neshvaćanja svijeta i težine djetinjstva, dok se skromnost, egzistencijalni problemi i proces identifikacije sustavno razlučuje kroz priču o četiri sestre, Male žene.
Abstract (english) The paper is based on the analysis of female characters in a children's novel from the field of children's literature. Female identity is explored in the language through the discourse of children's literature and through the introduction of the theory of novels. In addition to analyse the identity of the girls characterized in the novels, the study included interpretative features from a psychoanalytic, anthropological and linguistic aspect. The novels are chosen by subjective and personal choice of the author, and they have become the main focus of mythical, psychoanalytic and literary-artistic problematization of certain stages of growing up and maturing. In search of identity, girls are prominent on the threshold of existence and awareness of their own image of themselves. The heroins are represented through the realistic and fantastic writing, conscious and unconscious stages, and the author’s metaphorical design of a personal identity. Through the prism of the heroine, Dorothy and Alisa, dreams are presented as a symbolic interpretations of real occurrences and the mirroring of real childhood problems. By autobiographical reminiscence of childhood, from Jagoda Truhelka, the interpretation of Anica was presented through the influence of time and vivid environment that shaped her personality. At the threshold of emotional isolation and alienation, Mary reveals the secrets of her own transformation and the beauty of life that has a painful sign in the interpretative segment of the world's ignorance and the weight of childhood, while modesty, existential problems and identification process systematically breaks through the story of four sisters, Little Women.
ženski likovi
Male žene
Keywords (english)
female characters
Little women
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:501363
Study programme Title: Integrated university Teacher education study Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-07-19 12:30:26