Title Korištenje novih tehnologija u internoj komunikaciji
Title (english) Usage of new technologies in internal communication
Author Andrea Ožeg
Mentor Erik Ružić (mentor)
Committee member Dragan Benazić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Erik Ružić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Alerić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2018-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract U ovom se radu razmatraju nove tehnologije koje se danas koriste u svrhu interne komunikacije. Interni marketing podrazumijeva marketinške napore poduzeća koji su usmjereni prema zaposlenicima s ciljem izbora, motiviranja i zadržavanja najboljih ljudi koji će obavljati svoje poslove na najbolji mogući način. Interna komunikacija predstavlja najvažniji element internog marketinga, stoga joj je potrebno obratiti veću pozornost. Ako poduzeće prepozna važnost internog tržišta, tada može biti sigurno da će i eksterno tržište biti zadovoljeno. Posebna važnost internog marketinga može se prepoznati u uslužnim djelatnostima.
Komunikacijska sredstva kojima se danas održava odnos sa zaposlenicima dijele se u dvije skupine, tu spadaju tradicionalna komunikacijska sredstva i online komunikacijska sredstva.
U radu se posebno osvrće na društvene mreže koje su danas posebno dizajnirane za internu komunikaciju, online videa, e-poštu i newslettere koji su nositelji aktivnosti i temelj marketinškog programa e-pošte.
U radu se osim navedenih alata za internu komunikaciju opisuju i mobilne aplikacije koje služe za internu komunikaciju, upravo one su postale izuzetno važne s obzirom da tržište pametnih telefona neprestano raste.
U radu se može vidjeti da su današnji hoteli prepoznali važnost interne komunikacije. Tako su grupacije poput Jadranka d.d. Mali Lošinj, Jadran d.d. Crikvenica, Plava laguna d.d. Poreč i Valamar Riviera Poreč jasno istaknule kako dobra interna komunikacija svakako ima veliki utjecaj i na samu konkurentnost njihovih hotela na tržištu. Gotovo svi novi oblici interne komunikacije koriste se u jednom ili u više hotela.
Abstract (english) This paperwork discusses the new technologies that are used nowadays for an internal communication. Internal marketing alludes to marketing efforts of the employee-oriented enterprises with a purpose of choosing, motivating and keeping the best employees who will do their jobs in the best possible way. Internal communication is the most important element of an internal marketing, so it requires more attention. If the enterprise recognizes the importance of the internal market, then it can be certain that the external market will be satisfied. Particular importance of an internal marketing can be recognized in service activities.
Communication tools used for making interactions among employees are divided into two groups, traditional communication tools and online communication tools. This paperwork focuses on social media that are specially designed for an internal communication, online video, email and newsletters, which are the most important part and the foundation of a marketing e-mail program.
Apart from the tools for internal communication mentioned above, mobile applications for internal communication are also described because they have become extremely important since the smart phone market is incessantly growing.
The paperwork shows that nowadays hotels have recognized the importance an of internal communication. Therefore, groups like Jadranka d.d. Mali Lošinj, Adriatic d.d. Crikvenica, Plava laguna d.d. Poreč and Valamar Riviera Poreč clearly emphasized that good internal communication certainly has a great influence on the competitiveness of their hotels on the market. Almost all new forms of an internal communication are found to be used in one or more hotels.
Interni marketing
interna komunikacija
interno tržište
komunikacijska sredstva
Jadranka d.d. Mali Lošinj
Jadran d.d. Crikvenica
Plava laguna d.d Poreč
Valamar Riviera Poreč
Keywords (english)
Internal marketing
internal communication
internal market
communication tools
Jadranka d.d. Mali Lošinj
Adriatic d.d. Crikvenica
Plava laguna d.d Poreč
Valamar Riviera Poreč
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:472135
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Marketing Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-09-23 16:50:15