Title Percepcija prodajne profesije među studentskom populacijom
Title (english) Perception of the sales profession among the student population
Author Mia Bačić
Mentor Erik Ružić (mentor)
Committee member Dragan Benazić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Erik Ružić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Alerić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2018-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Osobna prodaja jedno je od najstarijih zanimanja, a kroz povijest se ona uvelike mijenjala. Razvija se od vremena kada se isticalo reklamiranje i promidžba proizvoda do vremena kada se naglasak stavlja na uspostavljanje odnosa. Počinje se uviđati da je kvaliteta partnerstva koja se može stvoriti kroz prodaju važna isto koliko i kvaliteta proizvoda koji se prodaju. U radu se razmatra prodajna profesija kao zanimanje koje u današnje vrijeme značajno raste, gledajući broj otvorenih novih radnih mjesta. Prodaja kao poslovni proces od velikog je značaja za svako poduzeće, a budućnost poduzeća ovisi o prodavačima koji imaju zadatak pronalaziti, pridobiti i zadržati kupce. Zbog važnosti prodavača i samog značaja funkcije prodaje današnje tvrtke ulažu značajna sredstva za osposobljavanje i usavršavanje prodavača. Kroz rad se spominju najvažniji aspekti prodaje kao zanimanja. Prolazi se kroz dužnosti i aktivnosti prodavača, radna mjesta u prodaji, obilježja uspješnih prodavača, prednosti prodajnog posla, načine usavršavanja i razvoja prodajnih vještina. Svrha rada je putem istraživanja dobiti uvid u to koji su stavovi studenata marketinga u Puli o prodajnoj profesiji. Želi se doznati da li su studenti upućeni u prodajnu profesiju, kakvim poslom smatraju prodajnu profesiju, kako gledaju na predrasude o prodajnoj profesiji te da li možda vide prodaju kao posao kojeg bi mogli raditi u budućnosti. Kroz istraživanje se može zaključiti da je prodajna profesija dobro ocjenjeno zanimanje kada se pita studente marketinga u Puli. Može se vidjeti da predrasude o prodajnoj profesiji više nisu toliko prisutne te da studenti prepoznaju pozitivne strane prodaje kao zanimanja. Usprkos tome potražnja za prodajnim poslom među studentima još je uvijek na manjoj razini u odnosu na druge poslove.
Abstract (english) Personal sales is one of the oldest occupations but has changed significantly over time. The emphasis has shifted from the advertisment and promotion of products to the current focus on the establishment of relationships with customers. It is becoming clear that the quality of the partnership created through sales is equally as important as the quality of the products sold. In this work the sales profession is considered as an occupation that, measured in terms of new job opportunities, is growing significantly at the present time. Sales as a business process is of great importance for every company, and the future of the company depends on sales persons who have the task of finding, winning and retaining customers. Due to the importance of the role of the modern salesperson, today's companies invest heavily in staff training and development. This work reviews the most important aspects of sales as an occupation. It covers: the duties and activities of salespersons, jobs in sales, the characteristics of successful salespersons, the advantages of sales work, training methods, and the development of sales skills. The purpose of the work is to gain a researched insight into the attitudes of marketing students in Pula about the sales profession. This work seeks to answer whether the students are referred to the sales profession, what type of work they consider to be in the sales profession, how they view the prejudices around the sales profession and whether they see sales as a job they could do in the future. Through research it can be concluded that the sales profession is a highly rated occupation among students of marketing in Pula. It can be seen that the prejudices around the sales profession have decreased and that students recognize the positive side of sales as an occupation. Despite this, the demand for sales jobs among students is still at a lower level than for other jobs in other sectors.
osobna prodaja
uspostavljanje odnosa
prodajna profesija
stavovi studenata
Keywords (english)
personal sales
establishing relations
sales profession
student attitudes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:764133
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Marketing Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-09-28 14:41:01