Title Identifikacija darovitih učenika
Title (english) Identification of gifted children
Author Nina Juravić
Mentor Sandra Kadum (mentor)
Committee member Mirjana Radetić - Paić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đeni Zuliani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2018-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy General Pedagogy
Abstract Darovitost je oblik naprednosti u shvaćanju, poimanju, izvršavanju stanovitih zadataka itd., a u odnosu na svoje vršnjake. Darovitost se veoma različito manifestira te stoga često čujemo da je oblika darovitosti onoliko koliko je i darovitih pojedinaca. Ovo je ipak samo izreka – akademska je znanost „zaronila“ u koncept i manifestacije darovitosti krajem 20. stoljeća te od tada raspolažemo brojnom literaturom na ovu temu. U najranijoj je dobi daroviti pojedinac osobito osjetljiv, stoga što se radi o formativnim razvojnim fazama koje će kasnije odlučiti o općim odrednicama njegova karaktera. U ovom je kontekstu izgradnja samopouzdanja jedna od najvažnijih stavki koja je potrebna kako bi se pojedinac mogao ostvariti (bez obzira na svoju specifičnost), u slučaju darovitosti. U školskom se sustavu tek posljednjih godina počeo razmatrati i adresirati koncept darovitosti te su se tek unazad pedesetak godina počeli implementirati prvi sustavi posvećeni darovitoj djeci. Danas je situacije bitno drugačija i načina poticanja darovitosti je mnogo, ali ono što je najbitnije jest suradnja između djeteta, obitelji i sustavnog programa koji je najadekvatniji darovitom školskom djetetu. Školski se sustav kao takav može ocijeniti kao sustav u kojem uvijek ima mjesta za pozitivne promjene, osobito kad su usmjerene u integraciju posebnih pojedinaca u, povijesno gledano, (donedavno) standardni kolektiv.
Abstract (english) Giftedness is a form of advancement in realising, thinking, executing certain tasks etc., and in relation to one's peers. Giftedness is manifested extremely differently and so we oftentimes hear that there are as many types of giftedness as there are gifted individuals. This, however, is only a saying – the academic society has “dug into“ the concept and the manifestations of giftedness at the end of the 20th century and we have since then been given an abundance of referential sources on the matter. In the earliest ages of one’s development, an individual is especially sensitive; given these are the formative stages of development that will later decide on one’s overall character. In this context, the building of a good based self-esteem is one of the most important procuration matters necessary in order of one’s full potential being realised (regardless of one’s type of specific aspect) in the case of giftedness. Within the educational system, the concept of giftedness has only in recent years been revised and addressed, and only in the last fifty years, the first standardised systems dedicated to gifted children have begun to be implemented. Today, however, the situation is significantly different and there are many ways of endorsing giftedness; however – the most important relations are those between the child and its family, and then their collaboration with the (educational) system which is chosen as the most adequate for the gifted child. The educational system can as such be described as a system in which there is a potential for a positive changes, especially when those are oriented towards integrating special individuals into the, historically speaking, a wide standard collective.
školski sustav
Keywords (english)
educational system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:365614
Study programme Title: Integrated university Teacher education study Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-11-09 12:49:42