Title Tradicijsko glazbovanje u Istri: istraživanje, mogućnosti i prespektive
Title (english) Traditional music-making in Istria: research, opportunities and perspectives
Author Georgie Goldin
Mentor Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin (mentor)
Committee member Lada Duraković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Grakalić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Academy of Music in Pula) Pula
Defense date and country 2018-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Art Sciences Musicology and Ethnomusicology
Abstract Folklorna baština ima veliku važnost za društvo u današnje vrijeme, gdje se pridaje važnost narodnim instrumentima, plesovima, pjevanju i nošnjama. Folklor se počeo gubiti i nestajati još u 20. stoljeću, no tada se javljaju osobe kao što su Slavko Zlatić, Ivan Matetić Ronjgov i Renato Pernić koji se trude proučavati, sakupljati i oživjeti istarsku tradicionalnu glazbu i ples. To se oživljavanje manifestiralo s pojavom „Smotre narodne glazbe i plesa Istre“ 1966. godine, a pored Centralne smotre postoje lokalne smotre i specijalizirane smotre. Kroz analize uočavaju se sličnosti i razlike smotri u njihovom početku i danas. Oživljavanje i očuvanje folklora se manifestira kroz projekte „Erasmus Intenzivni program – Tradicijsko u Alpe Adria Regiji: Lokalno za Globalno (TAARLoG)“, „Zavičajna nastava Istarske županije“ i „Arhiv Renato Pernić“. Navedeni projekti približavaju tradiciju suvremenom društvu, pretvaraju ga u institucionalizirani oblik očuvanja folklora te kroz digitalizaciju snimki približavaju folklornu glazbu široj javnosti. Za održavanje tradicije, djelovanje KUD-ova postalo je od izuzetne važnosti. Razvoj folklora se manifestira i kroz rad s djecom unutar škola ali i izvan nje baveći se folklorom i aktivno sudjelujući na smotrama ako što su: „Mala smotra folklora Istarske županije“, „Fažanski tanac“ i „Novigrad u folkloru“. Od ispitanih 46 osnovnih škola Istarske županije, u 27 škola aktivno se provode aktivnosti folklora. Svako uključivanje mladih u očuvanju vlastite tradicionalne baštine rezultira pozitivnim pomakom.
Abstract (english) Folklore heritage is of great importance in modern day, because the folk instruments, dances, singing and clothing are emphasized. The folklore began to disappear in the 20th century, but then people such as Slavko Zlatić, Ivan Matetić Ronjgov and Renato Pernić started to study, collect and revive Istrian traditional music and dance. The revival resulted in the establishment of the Traditional Istrian music and dancing festival in 1966 and alongside the Central Festival, local and specialized festivals are also held. Analyzing the program of the festivals, the similarities and differences between the first and the most recent festivals are notable. The revival and preservation of folklore is manifested through the projects such as: Erasmus Intenzivni program – Tradicijsko u Alpe Adria Regiji: Lokalno za Globalno (TAARLoG), Zavičajna nastava Istarske županije and Arhiv Renato Pernić. These projects bring the tradition closer to the contemporary society, transform it into an institutionalized form of folklore preservation and through digitalization of audio recordings they bring folklore music closer to the general public.In order to keep the tradition alive, the activities of Folklore Societies have become of the utmost importance. Folklore development is manifested through working with children in schools and in Folklore Societies. Children show their active participation in festivals designed for them such as: Mala smotra folklora Istarske županije, Fažanski tanac and Novigrad u folkloru. The survey has shown that out of 46 elementary schools in the Istrian County, 27 schools actively carry out the folklore activities. Any involvement of young people in the preservation of their own traditional heritage results in a positive shift.
tradicijsko glazbovanje u Istri
folklorna baština
smotra narodne glazbe i plesa Istre
folklor i djeca
Keywords (english)
traditional music-making in Istria
folklore heritage
traditional Istrian music and dancing festival
folklore and children
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:892577
Study programme Title: Pedagogy of Music Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra glazbene pedagogije (magistar/magistra glazbene pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-12-07 11:54:34