Title Primjena koncepta "E-Uprava" u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) The implementation of the "E-Government" concept in the Republic of Croatia
Author Lea Brajković
Mentor Marija Bušelić (mentor)
Committee member Kristina Afrić Rakitovac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Bušelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lela Tijanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2018-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract Javna uprava strateški je važno područje svake države pa taKo i RH, a njezina modernizacija te poboljšanje pružanja javnih usluga moraju biti imperativ ukoliko želimo postati društvo znanja. Informacijska i komunikacijska tehnologija danas napreduju brže nego ikada i imaju vodeću ulogu u transformaciji načina života cjelokupnog stanovništva. U tom smislu e-uprava pruža veliki potencijal za razvoj javne uprave, odnosno stvaranje javne uprave orijentirane prema građanima. E-uprava usmjerena je na povećanje aktivnosti, brzine, transparentnosti i kvalitete javne uprave, a time pridonosi i razvoju gospodarstva i stvaranju pozitivne poduzetničke klime. I Republika Hrvatska prepoznala je važnost procesa izgradnje korisnički usmjerene i učinkovite e-uprave te je do sada donijela čitav niz dokumenata, programa i strategija kojima se želi potaknuti razvoj elektronske javne uprave. Trenutno je aktualna Strategija e-Hrvatska 2020, kojoj je glavni cilj podizanje konkurentnosti gospodarstva pomoću informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije te pružanje visoko kvalitetnih javnih usluga društvu. Uspješno implementiranje elektroničke uprave predstavljat će vrh reforme javne uprave u RH. Iako je do sada već učinjeno mnogo u tom smjeru, još uvijek ima prostora za napredak posebno na dodatnom umrežavanju tijela državne uprave, korištenju prikupljenih podataka te poticanju javnosti na korištenje usluga elektronske uprave.
Abstract (english) Public administration is a strategic area of importance for every country so even for Republic of Croatia, and its modernization and improvement of public service delivery must be imperative if we want to become a knowledge society. Information and communication technologies are advancing faster than ever and have a leading role in the transformation of the lifestyle of the entire population. In this sense, e-administration provides a great potential for the development of public administration, respectively the creation of a citizen-oriented public administration. E-administration is focused on increasing the activity, speed, transparency and quality of public administration, thereby contributing to the development of the economy and the creation of a positive entrepreneurial climate. And the Republic of Croatia has recognized the importance of the process of building user-focused and efficient e-administration and has so far brought a whole series of documents, programs and strategies to promote the development of electronic public administration. Currently, actual e-Croatia 2020 Strategy is the main goal of raising the competitiveness of the economy through information communication technology and providing high quality public services to the society. The successful implementation of electronic administration will represent the top of the public administration reform in the Republic of Croatia. Although much has been done so far, there is still room for progress especially on the additional networking of state administration bodies, the use of collected data and encouraging the public to use electronic administration services.
elektronska uprava
informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija
društvo znanja
Keywords (english)
e- administration
information and communication technology
knowledge society
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:801918
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Financial Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-05-16 10:43:12