Title Izumitelji, inovatori, poduzetnici
Title (english) Inventors, innovators, entrepreneurs
Author Dea Fatović
Mentor Violeta Šugar (mentor)
Committee member Kristina Afrić Rakitovac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Violeta Šugar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Roberta Kontošić Pamić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Za stvaranje inovacija potrebno je posjedovati i kombinirati različita znanja i vještine, precizirati praktičnu stranu primjene izuma, poznavati tržište i navike ciljane grupe kupaca, te razraditi strategiju nastupa na tržištu. Kako bi se broj inovatora u budućnosti povećao, potrebno je poticati kreativno razmišljanje i razvijati poželjne kompetencije tijekom obrazovanja, počevši od odgoja i obrazovanja najmlađih naraštaja, pa do cjeloživotnog obrazovanja odraslih.
Zaštita inovacije je neophodna kako bi inovator imao isključivo pravo korištenja i raspolaganja inovacijom, te spriječio zainteresirane konkurente da je bespravno koriste. Patenti su odavno najbolji oblik pravne zaštite izuma. Posjedovanje patenta je oblik vlasništva koje vlasniku osigurava pravo na monopol nad izumom za vrijeme trajanja patentne zaštite. Na taj način vlasnik može zabraniti bilo kakav oblik korištenja njegova izuma od strane neovlaštenih osoba ili pravnih subjekata što mu daje prednost nad konkurencijom, te pruža sigurniju i bolju poziciju na tržištu.
Kako bi dobar izum postao inovacija i zaživio na tržištu potrebna je sposobnost da se izum komercijalizira. Poduzetnik ne mora biti izumitelj, međutim, za stvaranje poduzetništva koje se temelji na inovacijama potrebna je inventivnost i komercijalizacija. U cilju opstanka na tržištu potrebno je upravljati inovacijama, kako njihovom učestalošću, tako i njihovom kvalitetom. Inovator mora posjedovati poduzetničke sposobnosti kako bi svoju inovaciju uspio plasirati na tržište, isto kao što poduzetnik mora biti inovator kako bi se nosio s konkurencijom i opstao na tržištu. Inovatori, koji su ujedno i poduzetnici, najuspješniji su u komercijalizaciji svojih inovacija, jer znaju kako poslovati i poduzimati potrebne korake koje će ih dovesti do uspjeha na tržištu.Treba poticati inovativne poduzetničke projekte od kojih bi društvo i gospodarstvo imalo koristi u vidu zapošljavanja, plaćanja poreza i povećanja prihoda lokalne zajednice.
Abstract (english) In order to create innovations, it is necessary to possess and combine different knowledge and skills, to specify the practical side of applying the invention, to know the market and habits of the target group of customers, and to develop a strategy of market appearance. In order to increase the number of innovators in the future, it is necessary to stimulate creative thinking and develop desirable competences during education, from the education of the youngest generations to the lifelong education of adults.
The protection of innovation is necessary for the innovator to have the exclusive right to use and dispose of the innovation, and to prevent interested competitors from using it illegally. Patents have been for long the best form of legal protection for an invention. Patent ownership is a form of ownership that guarantees the owner the right to monopolize the invention for the duration of the patent protection. In this way, the owner can ban any form of use of his invention by unauthorized persons or legal entities, which gives him an advantage over the competition, and provides a safer and better position in the market.
In order for a good invention to become an innovation and make it to the market, the ability to commercialize the invention is required. An entrepreneur does not have to be an inventor, however, innovation and commercialization are required to create an innovation-based enterprise. In order to survive in the market, it is necessary to manage innovations, both in frequency and in quality. An innovator must have the entrepreneurial skills to be able to market his innovation, just as an entrepreneur must be an innovator in order to cope with competition and survive in the market. Innovators, who are also entrepreneurs, are most successful in commercializing their innovations because they know how to do business and take the necessary steps that will lead them to be successful in the market. Innovative entrepreneurial projects that benefit society and the economy in the form of employment, paying taxes and increasing local community income should be encouraged.
Ključne riječi: izumitelj
Keywords (english)
Keywords: inventor
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:853814
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Management and Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-10-23 20:00:55