Title Komparacija nastave glazbe primarnog obrazovanje u osnovnim opće obrazovnim i Waldorfskim školama
Title (english) Comaparation of elementary music education in primary and Waldorf school
Author Ana Badurina
Mentor Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin (mentor)
Committee member Iva Blažević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Radetić-Paić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2019-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract Glazba ima veliki utjecaj na djecu pa je zato glazbeno obrazovanje važno pravilno provodi od djetetove najranije dobi. Program Glazbene kulture se može razlikovati. U općeobrazovnim školama je naglasak na slušanju dok je u waldorfskim školama
naglasak na pjevanju i sviranju. S obzirom na velike razlike u programu, kroz ovaj rad se htjelo saznati koji nastavni program u većoj mjeri učenicima približava glazbu. Kako bi se dobio uvid u rezultate, anketirani su učenici trećih razreda tri osnovne općeobrazovne škole (Osnovna škola – Scuola elementare Belvedere u Rijeci, Osnovna škola – Scuola elementare Gelsi u Rijeci i Osnovna škola Stoja u Puli) i dvije osnovne waldorfske škole (Osnovna Waldorfska škola u Zagrebu i Osnovna
Waldorfska škola u Rijeci). Anketa se sastojala od 19 pitanja, a rezultati u radu su opisani i grafički prikazani. Kod statističke analize su korišteni: Mann-Whitney U-test, Fisherov test te hi-kvadrat test. Putem rezultata subjektivnih doživljaja učenika, dobio
se uvid u prednosti i nedostatke programa glazbene nastave koji se trenutno provodi u obje škole. Analizom podataka smo uspjeli ustanoviti da je glazbeno područje sviranje imalo pozitivan učinak te znatan utjecaj na učenike waldorfskih škola koji su
zbog toga počeli svirati još jedan instrument, a pokazali su i veću zainteresiranost za klasičnu glazbu. Usprkos tome učenici waldorfskih škola manje vole nastavu glazbene kulture te nemaju potrebu za dodatnim satovima dok nasuprot tome učenici
općeobrazovnih škola pokazuju veliki interes prema glazbenoj nastavi. Kroz provedenu anketu nije se istražilo utječu li ostali predmeti i aktivnosti u koje je integrirana glazba u waldorfskim školama na to da je time glazbeno obrazovanje kvalitetnije. Anketiranjem je utvrđeno da se i dalje otvoreni model u općeobrazovnim školama u potpunosti ne provodi sa slušanjem kao obaveznom središnjom aktivnosti, ali se pokazalo kako učenici vole slušanje. Rezultati provedene ankete su pokazali velike razlike u stavovima učenika, a njihovi odgovori daju prostora za daljnje istraživanje.
Abstract (english) Music has a great influence on children and it is therefore extremely important to correctly conduct music education from a child’s earliest age. The music programme cannot be differentiated. In general education schools, the emphasis is put on listening, while in Waldorf schools singing and playing an instrument are emphasized. Considering the large difference in programmes, this paper’s aim is to find out which teaching programme brings music closer to pupils. To get an insight into results, third-grade pupils belonging to three general education schools (Primary school Belvedere in Rijeka, Primary school Gelsi in Rijeka and Primary school Stoja in Pula) and two Waldorf schools (Primary Waldorf school in Zagreb and Primary Waldorf school in Rijeka) were questioned. The questionnaire consisted of 19 questions and the results were described and graphically presented. In the statistical analysis the Mann-Whitney U test, The Fisher test and the chi-square test were used. Through pupils’ subjective experience results, and insight was obtained into the advantages and disadvantages of
programmes currently conducted in both schools. The data analysis showed that the music area of instrument playing had a positive effect and significant influence on Waldorf school pupils who due to that reason started to play another instrument, but also showed a higher interest in classical music. Nevertheless, Waldorf school pupils love music teaching to a lesser extent and do not feel the need for additional classes, while contrary to them, general education school pupils express a high interest in music teaching. The conducted questionnaire did not study if the influence of other school subjects or activities with integrated music contents in Waldorf schools made music education better. The questionnaire confirms that in general education schools the open model is not fully conducted with listening as a compulsory central activity, but it shows that pupils love listening. The conducted questionnaire results show huge
differences in pupils’ attitudes and their answers leave space for further research.
osnovna waldorfska škola
osnovna općeobrazovna škola
waldorfska pedagogija
glazbena kultura
Keywords (english)
primary Waldorf school
general education school
Waldorf pedagogy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:631349
Study programme Title: Integrated university Teacher education study Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-12-07 21:20:48