Title Hrvatski dječji film
Title (english) Croatian children's film
Author Monika Legović
Mentor Danijel Mikulaco (mentor)
Committee member Robert Blagoni (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijel Mikulaco (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Matija Jelača (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2015-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES
Abstract Danas živimo u svijetu u kojem glavnu ulogu imaju mediji koji su sveprisutni. Većinu informacija primamo upravo posredstvom nekog medija. Osim što prenose informacije, mediji služe i za komunikaciju među ljudima, počevši od prvobitnog medija – govora, pa sve do Interneta. No, njihova je uloga mnogo veća, iako je ponekad nismo svjesni. Oni nas zabavljaju, informiraju i educiraju. Svojim sadržajima utječu na naše stavove, mijenjaju naše navike i ponašanja. Moć medija seže do one granice do koje im pojedinac dopusti, zato je potrebno razviti kritički odnos prema medijima i treba ih koristiti s mjerom. Svaki medij ima svoj jezik sporazumijevanja, svoja specifična izražajna sredstva. Film se primjerice izražava slikom i zvukom, što znači da čovjek dok gleda film najviše koristi vid i sluh kojim dobiva 90% informacija iz okoline.
Ovaj rad je usmjeren na film, prvenstveno filmove koji su namijenjene djeci. Hrvatska kinematografija je u svijetu bila poznata po dječjem filmu, no postoji uvriježeno mišljenje u društvu kako danas nema kvalitetnih filmova za djecu. To je uvjetovalo moju želju da istražim ovo područje. Cilj ovog rada je ispitati kvalitetu hrvatskih filmova za djecu. Kroz ovu temu upoznati ćemo se sa pojmom filma i njegovim razvojem kroz povijest svjetske kinematografije. Prikazati ćemo film kao dio medija i njegove uloge u svakodnevnom životu gdje je uočena potreba za adekvatnim obrazovanjem filmske umjetnost. Glavni dio rada je usmjerena na dječji film, njegove značajke i funkciju te je prikazan i povijesni razvoj filma hrvatske kinematografije koji je namijenjen djeci, a uz to je provedena analiza filmova starije i novije produkcije koje su uspoređene i na temelju tih podataka je donesen zaključak o kvaliteti tih filmskih ostvarenja.
Abstract (english) Today we live in a world in which the main role is played by the media which are omnipresent. We receive most of the information through a medium. In addition to transmitting information, the media are used for communication between people, starting from the original media - speech, and the Internet. However, their role is much higher, even though sometimes we are not aware of it. They entertain, inform and educate. Their content affects our attitudes, change our habits and behavior. The power of the media goes back to that extent that an individual allows, so it is necessary to develop a critical attitude towards the media and should be used with the measure. Each medium has its own language of communication, their distinctive means of expression. For example, the film is expressed in picture and sound, which means that a man while watching a movie is using sight and hearing, while doing so a man gets 90% of information from the environment.
This paper is focused on the film, especially films that are intended for children. Croatian cinema is known to the world by children's film, but there is a common misconception in society that today there is no quality films for children. It caused my desire to investigate this area. The purpose of this paper is to examine the quality of Croatian films for children. Through this topic we will meet with the concept of the film and its development through the history of world cinema. We will present the film as part of the media and its role in daily life where he observed the need for adequate education of film art. The main part of the work is focused on children's film, its features and functions and presents the historical development of Croatian cinema film which is intended for children, in addition to the analysis of films old and new productions that are compared on the basis of these data and the conclusion on the quality of these films.
filmska umjetnost
filmsko obrazovanje
hrvatska kinematografija
filmovi za djecu
Keywords (english)
movie art
movie education
Croatian cinema
children’s films
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:105956
Study programme Title: Integrated university Teacher education study Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-05-06 08:24:07