Title Aspekti filmske antropologije u opusu Wernera Herzoga
Title (english) Aspects of film anthropology in the work of Werner Herzog
Author Groucho Bono Štingl
Mentor Andrea Matošević (mentor)
Committee member Boris Koroman (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrea Matošević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Habrle (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Department of Interdisciplinary, Italian and Cultural Studies) Pula
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Ethnology and Anthropology Ethnology
Abstract U ovom završnome radu su prikazani neki od aspekata filmske antropologije s naglaskom na Wernera Herzoga te su se kroz odabrane primjere iz njegovog opusa opisivale karakteristike vizualne antropologije i općenito dokumentarnog filma u službi dokumentiranja čovjeka i njegovog djelovanja u okolini, kod Herzoga obično u formi neobičnog i nesvakidašnjeg. U izradi rada korištene su metode kompilacije, deskripcije i dedukcijska (deduktivna) metoda.
Vizualna antropologija polazi od ideje da se kultura očituje kroz vidljive simbole ugrađene u geste, ceremonije, rituale i artefakte smještene u izgrađenom i prirodnom okruženju. Kultura se zamišlja tako da se manifestira u scenarijima sa zapletima koji uključuju glumce i glumice s ulogama, kostimima i rekvizitima. Ako se kultura može vidjeti, onda bi istraživači trebali biti u mogućnosti koristiti audiovizualne tehnologije kako bi zabilježili njezine elemente i aspekte, odnosno podatke koji podliježu analizi i prezentaciji. Iako se podrijetlo vizualne antropologije povijesno može nalaziti u pozitivističkim pretpostavkama da se objektivna stvarnost može bilježiti, većina suvremenih teoretičara kulture naglašava društveno konstruiranu prirodu kulturne stvarnosti i poprilično nestabilnu prirodu našeg razumijevanja bilo koje kulture. Postoji očigledan odnos između pretpostavke da je kultura objektivno promatrana i pučkog vjerovanja u neutralnost, transparentnost i objektivnost audiovizualnih tehnologija.U radu su analizirani filmovi Gdje sanjaju zeleni mravi, Woodabe: Pastiri Sunca, Čovjek grizli i Spilja zaboravljenih snova. Iako drugačije tematike, sve ih veže ista poveznica – čovjek kao glavni ''akter''. Aboridžini u pravnoj borbi za svoju zemlju, Woodabe pleme sa svojim običajima i jedinstvenim kulturnim i društvenim elementima, osebujni Timothy Treadwell koji se odlučuje na suživot s grizli medvjedima te crteži u spilji Chauvet koji nam predstavljaju grafičke dokaze o životu, djelovanju i donekle razmišljanju čovjeka od prije nekih tridesetak tisuća godina. Iako Herzog često preuzima ulogu pripovjedača i s već ranije spomenutim glasom boga ''samo'' vodi gledatelja kroz film, često ubacuje osobni stav, što je svakako odlika svakog pravog umjetnika.
Abstract (english) This final paper presents some aspects of film anthropology with an emphasis on Werner Herzog, and through selected examples from his filmography describes the characteristics of visual anthropology and generally documentary film in the service of documenting man and his action in the environment, usually in the form of unusual. Compilation, descriptive and deductive methods were used in the development of the paper. Visual anthropology starts from the idea that culture manifests itself through visible symbols embedded in gestures, ceremonies, rituals and artifacts housed in a built and natural environment. Culture is imagined to be manifested in plot scenarios involving actors and actresses with roles, costumes, and props. If culture can be seen, then researchers should be able to use audiovisual technologies to capture its elements and aspects, that is, data that is subject to analysis and presentation. Although the origins of visual anthropology may historically lie in the positivist assumptions that objective reality can be recorded, most contemporary cultural theorists emphasize the socially constructed nature of cultural reality and the rather volatile nature of our understanding of any culture. There is an obvious relationship between the assumption that culture is objectively viewed and the popular belief in the neutrality, transparency and objectivity of audiovisual technologies.The paper analyzes Where the green ants dream, Woodabe: Herdsmen of the Sun, Grizzly Man and Cave Of Forgotten Dreams. Although different topics, they are all linked by the same link - man; as the main '' actor ''. Aborigines in the legal battle for their country, the Woodabe tribe with its customs and unique cultural and social elements, the peculiar Timothy Treadwell who decides to coexist with grizzly bears and drawings in the Chauvet cave that present graphic evidence of the life, work and somewhat thinking of man from some thirty thousand years ago. Although Herzog often takes on the role of storyteller and, with the aforementioned voice of the god, '' just '' guides the viewer through the film, he often inserts a personal attitude, which is certainly a characteristic of any true artist.
vizualna antropologija
Werner Herzog
Keywords (english)
visual anthropology
Werner Herzog
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:966717
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-01-22 13:42:11