Title Ušljivost predškolske djece
Title (english) Pediculosis in preschool children
Author Paola Rajković
Mentor Mauro Štifanić (mentor)
Committee member Mauro Štifanić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lorena Lazarić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Blažević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2019-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Biology Ecology
Abstract Uši su prisutne na našem planetu milijunima godina. Trajni su ektoparaziti ptica i sisavaca. Dijele se na četiri podreda: grizuće uši Amblycera, Ischnocera i Rhynchophthirina, te sisajući podred Anoplura. Sisajući podred Anoplura sadržava oko 500-tinjak vrsta uši od kojih tri vrste parazitiraju na čovjeku; dvije vrste iz roda Pediculus: P. humanus humanus (uš tijela), P.humanus capitis (uš glave) i jedna iz roda Pthirus ili Phtirius: P.pubis (stidna uš). Infestacija ušima glave česta je u
... More odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama i najčešće pogađa djecu od 3. do 12. godine, ali i osobe u bliskom kontaktu sa njima. Ušljivost napada sve bez obzira na ekonomski status i higijenu. Uši glave su tanki, mali insekti, duži nego širi, narastu maksimalno do 3 mm. Prilagodile su se na život isključivo na ljudskom vlasištu. Tu nalaze temperaturu od oko 30°C i vlažnost od oko 90%, te puno hrane, što im u cjelini pruža optimalne životne uvjete. Hrane se krvlju, koju usisavaju s kože na vlasištu. Ne prenose bolesti. Bez hrane tj. izvan glave mogu preživjeti do 48 sati. Protiv ušljivosti se možemo boriti repelentima, kemijskim te mehaničkim suzbijanjem. Novost su proizvodi koji ne sadržavaju insekticidne sastojke. Gnjide su čvrsto zalijepljene za vlas kose i potrebno je kosu temeljito češljati posebnim gustim češljevima za uši svakodnevno 7 dana. Preporučljivo je da se izabrani tretman provede kod sve djece istovremeno. Agresivno i detaljno češćenje predškolske ustanove ili kućanstva nije potrebno. Less
Abstract (english) Lice have been present on our planet for millions of years. They are permanent ectoparasites of birds and mammals. Lice are divided into four sub-orders: the chewing louse suborders Amblycera, Ischnocera and Rhynchophthirin, and the sucking suborder Anoplura. The sucking suborder Anoplura contains about 500 species, of which three species are parasitic to humans; two species from the genus Pediculus: P. humanus humanus (body louse), P.humanus capitis (head louse) and one from the
... More genus Pthirus or Phtirius: P.pubis (pubic louse). Head lice infestation is common in institutionsfor early childhood and preschool education and most commonly affects children aged 3 to 12, but can also affect people in close contact with them. Pediculosis affects everyone, regardles of their economic status and hygiene. Head lice are thin, small insects, longer than wider, that grow to a maximum of 3 mm. They have adapted to live on the scalp of humans exclusively. This is where head lice find a temperature of about 30°C and a humidity of around 90%, and lots of food, which overall gives them the optimal living conditions. They feed on blood, which they suck from the skin on the scalp and can survive up to 48 hours without food. Head lice do not transmit diseases. Head lice can be treated with repellents, or by chemical and mechanical suppression. There are new products on the market that do not contain insecticidal ingredients. Nits are firmly attached to the hair strand and need to be thoroughly combed with special lice combs every day for seven days. All children should be treated at the same time. Thorough cleaning of the institution or household is not required. Less
ušljivost glave
predškolska djeca
Keywords (english)
head lice
pediculosis capitis
preschool children
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:802485
Study programme Title: Preschool Education Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-01-27 13:29:31