Title NTC u nastavi hrvatskog jezika
Title (english) NTC learning system in the Croatian language teaching
Author Laura Čurin
Mentor Marko Ljubešić (mentor)
Committee member Daniel Mikulaco (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Ljubešić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Matija Jelača (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2019-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Ovaj se rad bavi NTC sustavom učenja koji podrazumijeva primjenu određenih metoda u svrhu poboljšanja načina učenja i poučavanja. U prvome se dijelu rada naglasak stavlja na obilježja sustava. Detaljno se prikazuje analiza triju faza programa pomoću kojih se razvijaju sinapse u kori velikoga mozga, a svaka od njih prilagođena je različitome uzrastu i aktivira određene centre u mozgu. Prikazani su primjeri vježbi koje navodi osnivač sustava, doktor Ranko Rajović. Također, prvi dio rada obuhvaća prikaz istraživanja koja potvrđuju pozitivan učinak izvođenja vježbi na neurofiziologiju djeteta, a isto tako i na bolje rezultate u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu. Drugi dio rada obuhvaća teorijski prikaz jezičnoga izražavanja, jednoga od četiriju područja hrvatskoga jezika koji podrazumijeva primjenu stečenoga znanja iz svih područja nastavnoga predmeta. Osim toga, prikazuje se metodika hrvatskoga jezika s naglaskom na nastavne sustave, metode i postupke koji se primjenjuju za strukturiranje nastavnih jedinica jezičnoga izražavanja. Zaključno, napravljen je prikaz četiriju nastavnih priprema s nastavnim jedinicama propisanima Nastavnim planom i programom za osnovne škole. Pripreme su napravljene po metodičkome predlošku za hrvatski jezik, koristeći se zadanim sustavima iz metodičke literature, ali primjenjujući metode i postupke iz NTC sustava. Rezultat nastavnih priprema konstruktivno utječe na model nastave i usvajanje znanja kod učenika.
Abstract (english) This thesis deals with the NTC learning system, which implies the application of certain methods with goal of improvement of learning and teaching. In the first part of the thesis, emphasis is placed on the features of the system. Detailed analysis of the three phases of the program is presented, by which synapses inside brain cortex are developed, where each of them is adapted to different age and activates certain centers of the brain. Exemplars of the exercises mentioned by the founder of the system, Dr. Ranko Rajović, are shown. Also, the first part of the paper encompasses an overview of the research that confirms the positive effect of performing exercises on the child's neurophysiology, as well as on better results in the educational system. The second part of the paper covers theoretical presentation of language expression, one of the four areas of the croatian language, which implies the application of acquired knowledge from all fields of the subject. In addition, the methodology of the croatian language with an emphasis on the teaching systems, methods and procedures used to structure the teaching units of language expression is shown. To conclude, four curricula were presented with the teaching units issued by the Curriculum for the Primary Schools. Preparations were made according to the methodical template for croatian language, using the predetermined systems from the methodology literature, but by applying methods and procedures from the NTC system. The result of the curriculum preparation has a constructive impact on the teaching model and the acquisition of knowledge among students.
NTC sustav učenja
hrvatski jezik
jezično izražavanje
nastavna priprema
Keywords (english)
NTC learning system
croatian language
language expression
curriculum preparations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:014685
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature (single major); specializations in: teaching track, general track Course: teaching track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-02-11 08:10:55