Abstract | Prvi ljudi su naselili Ameriku 30.000 prije Krista, kada su prošli Beringov prolaz tijekom ledenog doba i oni su predci današnjih Indijanaca. Vikinzi predvođeni Erikom Crvenim bili su prvi Europljani koji su otkrili Ameriku krajem 10. stoljeća. God. 1492. Kolumbo plovi do centralne Amerike, a John Cabot 1498. otkriva sjever Amerike. Prve engleske kolonije osnivaju se u 17. stoljeću. Većina kolonija osniva se pod pokroviteljstvom britanskog kralja, dok jedan dio kolonija osnivaju vjerski disidenti. Engleska uvodi Navigacijski zakon koji ograničava trgovinu između kolonija i Engleske te postavlja uvjete izvoza i uvoza robe. Nakon Sedmogodišnjeg rata, Britanija prikuplja poreze uvođenjem raznih zakona. Snižavanjem poreza na uvozni čaj, britanska vlada je pogodovala Istočnoindijskoj kompaniji koja je imala previše uskladištenog čaja i pokušala je zaustaviti njegovo krijumčarenje. Ova mjera je prouzročila Bostonsku čajanku 1773., nakon čega su doneseni Nepodnošljivi zakoni. God. 1775. general Gage kreće u pohod na Concord kako bi zaplijenio zalihe patriota. Na putu do Concorda, dolazi do prvog sukoba kod Lexingtona. Britanci ne pronalaze značajne zalihe i tijekom vraćanja u Boston napada ih naoružano stanovništvo. Na putu do Bostona promijene put za Charleston. Kontinentalna vojska s Georgeom Washingtonom na čelu vrši opsadu Bostona koja traje do 1776. Tijekom opsade Gage pokušava izvući Boston iz opsadnog stanja napadajući Breed’s Hill. Bitka kod Bunker Hilla završava Pirovom pobjedom Gagea. Dana 4. srpnja 1776. izdaje se Deklaracija neovisnosti. Howe zamjenjuje Gagea i povlači se iz Bostona u ožujku 1776. u Halifax. Nakon dolaska pojačanja iz Britanije, Howe kreće u prvi pohod u kojem osvaja New York u studenom 1777. Tijekom svojeg drugog pohoda na Philadelphiju, John Burgoyne biva poražen i Howea zamjenjuje Henry Clinton. Zbog ulaska Francuske u rat 1778. i Španjolske 1789., Clinton konsolidira većinu britanske vojske oko New Yorka, dok ostavlja Cornwallisa u Južnoj Karolini. Washington s francuskim admiralom de Grasseom opkoljuje Cornwallisa u Yorktownu 1781. i pobjeđuje. Britanski premijer daje ostavku i Britanija potpisuje mirovni sporazum u Parizu 3. rujna 1783. |
Abstract (english) | The first people settled in America 30,000 BC when they passed Bering Strait during the ice age and they are the ancestors of today's Indians. Vikings led by Erik the Red were the first Europeans who discovered America in the late 10th century. In 1492, Columbus sailed to central America and in 1498 John Cabot discovered North America. The first English colonies were founded in the 17th century. Most colonies are founded under the patronage of the British King, while some colonies are founded by religious dissidents. England introduces the Navigational Act that restricts trade between colonies and England, and sets the conditions for export and import of goods. After the Seven Years' war, Britain collects taxes by introducing various acts. By lowering the tax on imported tea, the British government favored the East Indian company that had too much tea stored and tried to stop tea smuggling. This measure caused the Boston Tea Party in 1773, after which the Intolerable Acts were adopted. In 1775, Gage went to Concord to seize Patriot supplies. On the road to Concord first conflict emerges in Lexington. The British didn't find significant supplies and they were ambushed by armed populace during their return to Boston. On their way to Boston, they change route to Charleston. The continental army with George Washington led the siege of Boston, which lasted until 1776. During the siege, Gage is trying to get Boston out of the siege by attacking Breed's Hill. The Battle at Bunker Hill ends with Gage's Phyrric victory. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed. Howe replaces Gage and retreats from Boston in March 1776 into Halifax. After reinforcements came from Britain, Howe starts the New York campaign and captures the city in November 1777. During his second campaign, Howe ventures to Philadelphia, John Burgoyne is defeated and Howe is replaced by Henry Clinton. Due to the entry of France into the war of 1778 and Spain in 1789, Clinton consolidated most of the British army around New York while leaving Cornwallis in South Carolina. Washington with the French Admiral de Grasse surrounds Cornwall in Yorktown in 1781 and wins. The British Prime Minister resigns and Britain signs the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783. |