Abstract | Turizam kao jedan od najvažnijih elemenata međunarodnog gospodarstva i kao društveni fenomen snažno utječe na gospodarski i društveni razvoj, a predstavlja složenu djelatnost povezanu s velikim brojem različitih ljudskih aktivnosti. Elitni turizam, kao vrsta turizma, odnosi se na sudionike koji od mjesta boravka očekuju izvanstandardnu kvalitetu smještaja, usluga te njihovih specifičnih potreba. Za Republiku Hrvatsku turizam je jedan od najvažnijih nositelja gospodarskog razvoja zbog načina na koji nacionalnu valutu čini stabilnom, utječe na povećanje BDP-a, suzbija inflaciju, smanjuje deficit bilance i smanjuje hrvatsku ovisnost o uvozu koja je još uvijek izuzetno velika. Kada se govori o trendovima ili općim društvenim promjenama, ističe se značajni utjecaj novih turističkih oblika ili tema koji su relevantni za budući razvoj sektora, a to su: održivost, dostupnost, ruralna i kulturna baština, mir, sport, zdravlje i tehnologija. Elitni turizam star je gotovo kao i sam turizam, a uključuje: boravak u all inclusive luksuznim hotelima i resortima s pet zvjezdica, luksuzna krstarenja, jedinstvena i personalizirana putovanja s autentičnim iskustvima, golf turizam, putovanja privatnim avionima, personalizirana putovanja jahtom i brodom ili riječna krstarenja, sitne luksuze poput VIP vožnje do aerodroma te turizam ekstremnih iskustava poput putovanja dubokim oceanom, svemirskih putovanja i putovanja neistraženim destinacijama. Republika Hrvatska gotovo cijelu turističku ponudu temelji na ljetnom, kupališnom i nautičkom turizmu te nema definirane konkretne ciljeve i strategije za razvitak elitnog turizma. |
Abstract (english) | Tourism, as one of the most important elements of the international economy and as a social phenomenon, strongly influences economic and social development, and is a complex activity linked to a large number of different human activities. Elite tourism, as a type of tourism, refers to participants who expect from the place of residence extra-standard quality of accommodation, services and their specific needs. For the Republic of Croatia, tourism is one of the most important drivers of economic development because of the way it makes the national currency stable, influences GDP growth, suppresses inflation, reduces the balance sheet deficit and reduces Croatia's import dependency, which is still extremely high. When talking about trends or general social changes, the significant impact of new tourism forms or topics relevant to the future development of the sector is highlighted: sustainability, accessibility, rural and cultural heritage, peace, sport, health and technology. Elite tourism is almost as old as tourism itself, and includes: stay in all-inclusive luxury five-star hotels and resorts, luxury cruises, unique and personalized travel with authentic experiences, golf tourism, private jet trips, personalized yacht and boat trips or river trips cruises, tiny luxuries like VIP rides to the airport, and tourism with extreme experiences such as deep ocean travel, space travel, and unexplored travel. The Republic of Croatia bases almost all its tourist offer on summer, bathing and nautical tourism and has no defined specific goals and strategies for the development of elite tourism. |
Study programme | Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Business Informatics Course: Finance Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije) |