Title Sanitarno i mikrobiološko stanje mora u luci Valbandon
Title (english) Sanitary and Microbiological conditions of the Sea in Valbandon Harbor
Author Lejla Grahović
Mentor Paolo Paliaga (mentor)
Committee member Emina Pustijanac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Paolo Paliaga (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Moira Buršić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Natural Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2020-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Marine Science
Abstract U ovom je radu analizirano sanitarno i mikrobiološko stanje mora u luci Valbandon te salinitet i temperatura na šest lokacija unutar luke. Rezultati sanitarne kakvoće mora u zimskom periodu ukazali su na blago onečišćenje vjerojatno povezano sa unosom slatke vode koji dotječe u slanu močvaru umjetno nastalu u produžetku luke. Koncentracija indikatora (FK, FS, E.coli) sanitarne kakvoće mora upravo na području oborinskog kanala je blago povišena, no usprkos tome kvaliteta mora prema standardima za ocjenu kakvoće mora je ocijenjena kao izvrsna.
S druge strane u ljetnom je periodu koncentracija indikatora bila generalno vrlo niska, s blagim povećanjem opet upravo uz oborinski kanal koji dovodi slatku vodu i čiji je donos s obzirom na puno veći salinitet u ljetnim mjesecima smanjen, pa se da zaključiti da je izvor blagog onečišćenja bio upravo dotok slatke vode. Omjer fekalnih koliforma i fekalnih streptokoka ukazuje na to da je na većini postaja fekalno onečišćenje ljudskog porijekla, što može biti povezano sa obližnjim kanalizacijskim ispustima, s ispiranjem tla okolnog naselja i kampa dok u ljetnom periodu su većinski životinjska fekalna onečišćenja. Brojnost mikrobne zajednice bila je na nekim lokacijama umjereno iznad normalnih granica ukazujući na viši stupanj eutrofnosti unutar luke i močvare. Heterotrofne bakterije imale su najvišu koncentraciju uz dotok slatke vode u oba perioda uzorkovanja zbog vjerojatnog dotoka organske tvari u slatkoj vodi koja im služi kao hrana, što onda dovodi i heterotrofne nanoflagelate do porasta brojnosti obzirom da se oni hrane heterotrofnim bakterijama. Generalno stanje istraženog područja može se karakterizirati kao dobro, no zbog blizine potencijalnih izvora onečišćenja, ograničene cirkulacije vode unutar luke i njene pličine postoji rizik o pogoršanju sanitarnog i mikrobiološkog stanja i zbog toga se predlaže redovito praćenje mikrobioloških parametara kako bi se očuvalo zdravlje korisnika luke, kupača i okoliša.
Abstract (english) In this paper, the sanitary and microbiological condition of the sea in the port of Valbandon is analyzed salinity and temperature at six locations within the port. The results of the sanitary quality of the sea in the winter period indicated mild pollution probably related to the intake of fresh water flowing into the artificially created salt marsh in the extension of the port. Concentration of indicators (FK, FS, E.coli) of sanitary quality of the sea precisely in the area of the precipitation channel it is slightly elevated, but nevertheless the quality of the sea according to the standards for assessing the quality of the sea it was rated as excellent.
On the other hand, in the summer the concentration of indicators was generally very low, with a slight increase again right next to the precipitation channel that brings in fresh water and whose yield given the much higher salinity in the summer months reduced, so it can be concluded that the source of mild pollution was precisely the inflow of fresh water. The ratio of fecal coliforms to fecal streptococci indicates that it is present at most stations fecal contamination of human origin, which may be related to nearby sewer drains, with soil leaching of the surrounding settlement and camp while in the summer are mostly animal fecal contaminants. The number of microbial communities was moderately above normal in some locations border indicating a higher degree of eutrophication within the port and wetland. Heterotrophic bacteria had the highest concentration with fresh water inflow in both sampling periods due to the probable influx of organic matter into the fresh water that serves them as food, which then leads to and heterotrophic nanoflagellates to an increase in numbers since they feed on heterotrophic bacteria. The general condition of the study area can be characterized as good, but due to the proximity potential sources of pollution, limited water circulation within the port and its shoals there is a risk of deterioration of the sanitary and microbiological condition and is therefore suggested regular monitoring of microbiological parameters in order to preserve the health of port users, bathers and the environment.
znanost o moru
sanitarna kontrola mora
more u luci Valbandon
sanitarno i mikrobiološko stanje
fekalno onečišćenje
Keywords (english)
Marine science
Sanitary control of the sea
sea in the port of Valbandon
sanitary and microbiological condition
fecal pollution
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:910056
Study programme Title: University Undergraduate Study Programme - Marine Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) znanosti o moru (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) znanosti o moru)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-09-28 11:07:30