Title Igre i razvoj govorne komunikacije
Title (english) Games and development of verbal communication
Author Maria Raspudić
Mentor Marina Diković (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Diković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Kovačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2020-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy General Pedagogy
Abstract Kvaliteta djetetova života ovisi o njegovoj sposobnosti za komunikaciju, zato što se kroz nju dijete povezuje s drugim osobama, izražava sebe kao ličnost te vodi brigu o svojim potrebama. U prvoj i drugoj godini dijete iz faze gugutanja prelazi na fazu brbljanja. Od velike je važnosti da to brbljanje bude popraćeno uzvratnim brbljanjem i pričanjem, jer se na taj način djetetu pokazuje važnost ljudskih interakcija.
U trećoj i četvrtoj godini života na red dolazi stvaranje prvih
... More rečenica. Iz dana u dan djetetov rječnik naglo se povećava te doživljava svoju eksploziju. Također, dijete se počinje koristiti riječima kojima se do sada nije koristilo, a kako bi se razvijala njegova govorna komunikacija, potrebno mu je puno čitati knjige, listati slikovnice te odlaziti na izlete i u prirodu kako bi mogli komunicirati o svemu što može vidjeti (životinje, more, okoliš, cvijeće). U petoj godini djeca nerijetko počinju pokazivati znakove učenja čitanja i pisanja. Rečenice se počinju sastojati od više glagola, a izgovaranje postaje sve sličnije izgovaranju odrasle osobe.
U razvoju govorne komunikacije veliku važnost ima igra. Kroz nju dijete najprirodnije upoznaje svijet u kojem živi. Igra motivira izražavanje njegovih misli, osjećaja, želja te razvija njegovu jezičnu sposobnost.
Kada pozornost usmjerimo na računala i televiziju, važno je znati da na dijete, kao i na sam njegov govor utječu pozitivno jedino ako se koriste u ograničenom vremenu.
Na kraju završnog rada nalazi se radionica i aktivnosti za roditelje s raznim zanimljivim aktivnostima, što za djecu tako i za roditelje, kojima je cilj kroz igru razvijati govornu komunikaciju. Less
Abstract (english) The quality of a child's life depends on his ability to communicate, because through it the child connects with other people, expresses himself as a person and takes care of his needs. In the first and second year, the child goes from the cooing phase to the chattering phase. It is of great importance that this chatter is accompanied by reciprocal chatter and talking, because in this way the child is shown the importance of human interactions.
In the third and fourth year of life, it is
... More time to create the first sentences. Day by day, the child's vocabulary increases sharply and experiences its own explosion. Also, the child begins to use words that have not been used before, and in order to develop his verbal communication, he needs to read a lot of books, flip through pictures and go on trips to nature to be able to communicate about everything he can see (animals, sea , environment, flowers).
At the age of five, children often begin to show signs of learning to read and write. Sentences begin to consist of more verbs and pronunciation becomes more and more similar to adult pronunciation.
In the development of speech communication, play is of great importance. Through it, the child gets to know the world in which he lives most naturally. The game motivates the expression of his thoughts, feelings, desires and develops his language ability.
When we focus on computers and television, it is important to know that the child, as well as his speech itself, is positively affected only if they are used for a limited time.
At the end of the final work there is a workshop and activities for parents. It contains various interesting activities, both for children and parents, whose goal is to develop verbal communication through play. Less
Ključne riječi: razvoj govorne komunikacije
radionica za roditelje
Keywords (english)
Keywords: development of speech communication
workshop for parents
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:584437
Study programme Title: Preschool Education Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-09-30 09:59:04