Title Održivi razvoj turističke destinacije
Title (english) Sustainability of a tourist destination
Author Martina Cetina
Mentor Aljoša Vitasović (mentor)
Committee member Mauro Dujmović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Floričić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu analiziralo se i istraživalo o konceptu održivog razvoja turističke destinacije. Koncepcija održivog razvoja u prvi plan ističe kvalitativno unapređenje u odnosu na kvantitativni rast. Uspješnost turističke destinacije ponajprije ovisi o organizaciji, planiranju, implementaciji i kontroli vlastitih marketinških aktivnosti koje se temelje na koncepciji održivosti i usmjeravaju ih prema najvažnijim dionicima koji su: lokalno stanovništvo, turisti, turistički ponuđači, javni sektor te ostali ( gospodarska komora, razne grupe itd.). Da bi turistička destinacija mogla razvijati održivi turizam, njezin marketing mora biti usmjeren u tom pravcu. Turisti prilikom dolaska u određenu destinaciju moraju “osjetiti” i biti upozoreni na pravila ponašanja u destinaciji. Istraživanjem se došlo do rezultata ako se gostu ponude usluge koje su po svojoj funkciji ekvivalentne, a da su ekološke, gost je za njih spreman platiti višu cijenu. Da bi osigurao vrijedno iskustvo turistima, održivi turizam mora zadržati visoki stupanj zadovoljstva turista, podižući istovremeno svijest o održivosti i promičući prakticiranje održivog turizma među njima. Smjernice i praksa upravljanja održivim razvojem turizma mogu se primijeniti na sve oblike turizma, u svim vrstama destinacija, uključujući kako masovni turizam, tako i razne turističke niše. Potrebno je organizirati život na način da ekonomija i tehnologija koje nam osiguravaju kvalitetu života, ne ometaju sposobnost prirode da se samoodržava već joj pomažu u tome i to je ključ održivog razvoja. Održivi razvoj se bazira na tri glavna ključna načela: načelo okolišne održivosti, načelo socijalne i kulturne održivosti i načelo gospodarske održivosti. Pozitivno je da se koncept održivog razvoja sve više počeo primjenjivati u svijetu i da se “probudila” ekološka svijest čovjeka. Potrebno je misliti na buduće generacije i njihove potrebe kao i na sve blagodate koje nam Zemlja daje.
Abstract (english) This master thesis analysed and briefly explored a concept of sustainable development of touristic destination.
Concept of sustainable development puts a focus on qualitative growth contrary to quantitative growth. Success of touristic destination is mainly based on organisation, implementation and control of marketing activities based on sustainability concepts and their focus towards most important roles which are: local community, tourists, tourist offerers, public sector and other ( Chamber of Economy, various groups etc...). In order to develop a sustainable tourism, touristic destination needs to target their market towarsd sustainability. Tourists are meant to „feel“ the destination and be well informed about the rules of behaviour before reaching their destination. Research brought conclusion that guests are willing to pay higher prices if offered services are equivalent according to their function as well as ecological. Sustainable tourism is meant to keep a high degree of tourist´s satisfaction in order to ensure a valuable experience towards them, whilst raising awareness about sustainability and promoting its practice in tourism sphere. Guideline and practice of managing sustainable development of tourism can be applied on all kinds of tourism, in all destination. Such could include a mass tourism as well as various touristic niches. It is necessary to organise life such that economy and technology wouldn´t disturb nature´s ability of self-maintenance, but instead helping it and as such, being the main key of sustainable development. Sustainable development is based on three main principles: Principle of environmental sustainability, the principle of social and cultural sustainability and the principle of economic sustainability. There is a positive outcome visible in form of applying sustainable development all around the world and „awakening“ of ecological awareness in between worlds population. It is necessary to focus on future generations and their needs as well as all benefits given by the planet Earth.
održivi razvoj
turistička destinacija
održivi turizam
Keywords (english)
sustainable development
tourists destination
sustainable tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:419892
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Tourism and Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-12-08 10:19:27