Title Budizam u razdoblju Kamakura
Title (english) Buddhism in th Kamakua period
Author Bruno Pintarić
Mentor Igor Grbić (mentor)
Committee member Irena Srdanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Grbić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Naoyuki Matsuno (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2020-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Japanese Studies
Abstract Tijekom kamakurskog razdoblja u Japanu nastaje šest različitih školi, koje se nazivaju Shin Bukkyo i dijele na škole Čiste Zemlje, škole Zena i Nichirenovu školu. Budizam Čiste Zemlje uključuje Hōnenovu školu Jōdo-shū, Shinranovu školu Jōdo Shin-shū i Ippenovu školu Ji-shū. Te tri škole karakteriziraju predanost Amidi Buddhi i vjera u uskrsnuće u Čistoj Zemlji. Hōnen je zagovarao isključivo prakticiranje nenbutsua, zazivanje Buddhinog imena. Njegov učenik, Shinran, vjerovao je kako je usksrnuće u Čistoj Zemlji osigurano već prvim izgovorenim nenbutsuom te da je svrha svih ostalih molitvi i recitiranja nenbutsua iskaz zahvale Buddhi. Ippen je širio nenbutsu tako što je dijelio amulete sa zapisanim nenbutsuom na svojim hodočašćima te je zagovarao "jednoumlje bez ometanja". Japanski se zen sastoji od škola Rinzai i Sōtō. Osnivači obje škole, Eisai i Dōgen, putovali su u Kinu kako bi produbili svoje razumijevanje budizma. Eisai je vjerovao kako su učenja škole Tendai s planine Hiei počela stagnirati pa iz Kine donosi ch'an učenja i meditaciju. Bakufu mu je ekonomskom pomoći omogućio da postane zen majstor u Kamakuri, a kasnije i u Kyotu. Dōgen je kineski ch'an smatrao istinskim oblikom budizma pa je povratkom iz Kine uspostavio zajednicu koju je poučavao zenu, koji je sadržavao vrlo malo pravila za život. Nichiren je osnovao školu koja ne spada niti u Čistu Zemlju niti u zen. Zapravo, Nichiren je zagovarao isključivo štovanje Lotus Sūtre i odbacivanje svih ostalih oblika molitve i vjere. Vjerovao je kako je sva istina i snaga Lotus Sūtre sadržana u samom nazivu te je bazirao vjeru na ponavljanju mantre "Spas pronalazim u Lotus Sūtri". Suprotno školama Čiste Zemlje, Nichiren je zagovarao "ovozemaljsko" spasenje.
Abstract (english) During the Kamakura period, six schools emerge that are collectively called Shin Bukkyo. These schools are divided into the schools of the Pure Land, the schools of Zen and Nichiren's school. Pure Land Buddhism consists of Hōnen's Jōdo-shū school, Shinran's Jōdo Shinshū school and Ippen's Ji-shū school. These three schools are all characterized by their devotion to Amida Buddha and belief in rebirth in the Pure Land. Hōnen advocated for exclusive nenbutsu practice, chanting the Buddha's name. Shinran, his pupil, believed that by chanting the nenbutsu the first time is enough to ensure your rebirth in the Pure Land. All other chants and prayers a person utters is done as a token of gratitude towards the Buddha. Ippen spread the nenbutsu by giving out amulets with the nenbutsu written on it during his pilgrimages, he also advocated for "single-mindedness without distractions". Japan's Zen consists of the Rinzai and Sōtō schools. Founders of them, Eisai and Dōgen respectively, traveled to China to deepen their understanding of buddhism. Eisai believed that the teachings of the Tendai school on Hiei Mountain started stagnating, so he brought zen teachings and meditation from China. The bakufu helped him financially to become a zen master in Kamakura and later in Kyoto. Dōgen considered chinese zen to be the true form of buddhism, once he returned from China, he established a community which he taught about zen that had little to no rules regarding daily life. Nichiren founded a school that was not part of either the Pure Land or zen schools. Furthermore, he advocated for exclusive worship of the Lotus Sūtra and rejecting all other forms of prayer. He believed the Lotus Sūtra's name contained its entire truth and power, so his faith was based on chanting the mantra "I take refuge in the Lotus Sūtra". As a complete contrast to the Pure Land schools, Nichiren advocated for "this-worldly" salvation.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:199151
Study programme Title: Japanese language and culture Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica japanskog jezika i kulture (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica japanskog jezika i kulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-12-29 10:59:25