Title Valentinijan i Valens - braća carevi
Title (english) Valentian and Valens - the King Brothers
Author Kristijan Brkić
Mentor Robert Matijašić (mentor)
Committee member Robert Kurelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Robert Matijašić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Bulić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2020-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Ancient History
Abstract Valens i Valentinijan rođeni su u 4.stoljeću u Cibalae, u Panoniji. Valentinijan je pratio vojnu karijeru svog oca Gracijana Starijeg dok se Valens brinuo za imanje. Valentinijan postaje tribun, a usponom vojne karijeri smrću Jovijana biva izabran za cara u vlastitoj odsutnosti. Preopterećen poslom, za suvladara bira vlastitog brata – Valensa koji postaje car na istoku. Valentinijan je pravovjerni kršćanin Nicejske denominacije te njegova vladavina nije opterećena religijskim naporima. Valens ipak kroz cijeli period vladavine progoni sve vjerske neistomišljenike koji ne slijede arijansku dogmu. Valentinijan gradi fortifikacije na neprijateljskom teritoriju, vodi pohode u Galiji i Germaniji, te život skončava moždanim udarom u trenutku bijesa nakon brojnih provala Kvada i Sarmaćana koji se ne zadovoljavaju time što im on dopušta da postoje. U toliko ogromnom bijesu dolazi do apopleksije i smrti. Valens je patio od nedostatka vojnika s obzirom na to da je vezao legije na istočnoj granici s Sasanidskim carstvom, no provalama Huna u Europu, dolazi do bježanja Gota koji od Valensa traže smještaj u Carstvu. On ih naseljava u Trakiju nadajući se kako će ih moći koristiti za vojnu službu, poglavito s obzirom na to da Germani imaju opću vojnu službu. S obzirom na to da su legije na istoku, migracije više nisu bile kontrolirane te je došao ogroman broj ljudi uključujući i druga plemena. Nedugo kasnije naseljenici kreću pljačkati, krasti i iskorištavati domaćina, što je posebno loše bilo za cara jer su ljudi u Konstantinopolu bili nezadovoljni te su željeli da car što prije izjaše i riješi problem s ljudima kojima je dopustio da se nasele ovdje. Ne čekajući nove trupe, ponukan povicima gomile, Valens je krenuo vojevati s Gotima te je ovom prilikom i preminuo.
Abstract (english) Valens and Valentinian were born in the 4th century in Cibalae, Pannonia. Valentinian followed the military career of his father Gratian the Elder while Valens took care of the family estate. Valentinian became a tribune, and with the rise of his military career at the time of Jovians death, he’s chosen to become emperor in his absence. Overburdened with tasks, he picks a coruler to rule the east – his brother Valens. Valentinian followed the Nicaea creed and his rule wasn’t burdened with religious strife. Valens on the other hand persecuted everyone who didn’t’ follow the Arian dogma. Valentinian built fortifications on enemy territory, he led campaigns in Gaul and Germania, and finally died from apoplexy in a fit of rage after numerous invasions by the Quads and the Samartae which are not satisfied with being allowed to exist. In such rage he dies from apoplexy. Valens suffered from a lack of soldiers since his legions were tied up on the east along the border with the Sasanide empire. With the arrival of the Huns into Europe, Goths flee and plea Valens to settle withing the empire. Valens settles them in Thracia hoping he’ll use them for military service, especially concerning Germanic military service. While legions are tied up on the east, the migrations are no longer controlled and a huge number of people arrives along with other tribes. Not a long time later the settlers started robbing, stealing and exploiting the host, which was especially bad for Valens since the residents of Constantinople were unhappy and wanted the emperor to ride out and deal with them since he allowed them to settle. Prompted by the crowd’s shouts, without waiting for new troops, Valens set out to meet the Goths and this is the way he died.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:618852
Study programme Title: History Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-01-21 09:30:10