Abstract | Ovim radom ispitivani su stavovi državnih službenika o važnosti faktora za ostvarivanje motivacije za rad kao i stupanj iskorištenosti njihovih potencijala. Također su ispitivani i stavovi državnih službenika o postupku ocjenjivanja te njihovu zadovoljstvu poslom, a posebno sljedećim aspektima posla: plaća, mogućnost napredovanja, nadređeni, povlastice, nagrade, uvjeti rada, kolege, priroda posla i komunikacija. Uzorak je činilo 65 službenika zaposlenih u Ministarstvu branitelja. Istraživanje je provedeno putem upitnika pri čemu su za ispitivanje važnosti faktora za ostvarivanje motivacije za rad korišteni faktori motivacije preuzeti od Marušić (2006). Za ispitivanje zadovoljstva pojedinim aspektima posla korišten je Job Satisfaction Survey iz 1994. godine koji je razvio Paul E. Spector, uz male izmjene tvrdnji. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da ispitanici smatraju sposobne rukovoditelje, stalnost i sigurnost posla te plaću najvažnijim faktorima za ostvarivanje motivacije za rad. S druge strane, istraživanje je pokazalo da je ispitanicima sudjelovanje u dobiti, najmanje važno za ostvarivanje motivacije za rad. Što se tiče zadovoljstva pojedinim aspektima posla, rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su ispitanici najviše zadovoljni plaćom dok je na drugom mjestu zadovoljstvo nadređenim te iza toga prirodom posla. Najniža razina zadovoljstva je zabilježena kod zadovoljstva mogućnostima napredovanja i povlasticama. Ispitanici su podjednako zadovoljni kolegama i komunikacijom. Što se tiče stupnja općeg zadovoljstva poslom, pokazalo se da su ispitanici osrednje zadovoljni poslom. Ispitivanjem stavova o sustavu ocjenjivanju, utvrđeno je da veliki broj ispitanika smatra da neke osobe dobiju višu ocjenu nego što zaslužuju. U skladu s time, mali broj ispitanika smatra da svi djelatnici dobiju ocjenu sukladnu svojoj učinkovitosti. Da postupak ocjenjivanja ima utjecaja na motivaciju dokazuje velik broj ispitanika koje ocjenjivanje potiče da rade bolje i koji bi se više trudili kada bi ocjene donosile bolje nagrade. Najviši stupanj neslaganja je s tvrdnjom da se najviše ocjene adekvatno nagrađuju. Postupkom ocjenjivanja je uglavnom ili u potpunosti zadovoljno samo 21,5% ispitanika te isti taj postotak ispitanika smatra da su ocjenjivači objektivni. Također, velik broj ispitanika smatra da ocjenjivanje ne omogućuje selekciju na uspješne i neuspješne radnike. |
Abstract (english) | The attitudes of civil servants towards importance of work motivation factors, as well as the usage level of their potential, were explored in this thesis. The attitudes of civil servants towards assessment evaluation system and job satisfaction, were also researched, especially by following work aspects: salary, promotion, superiors, benefits, rewards, operating procedures, coworkers, nature of work and communication. The sample consisted of 65 civil servants employed in Ministry of Veterans' Affairs. The research was conducted by a questionnaire. The questionnaire was based on motivation factors taken over from Marušić (2006) which are used for exploration of importance of work motivation factors, while for researching satisfaction of certain work aspects was used Job Satisfaction Survey from 1994., developed by Paul E. Spector, with small changes of claims.. The results of the research revealed that examinees considered capable executives, permanence and work safeness and salary as the most important work motivation factors. On the other hand, the analysis has shown that examinees described profit-sharing as the least important work motivation factor. Regarding certain aspects of work satisfaction, the collected data revealed that examinees are most satisfied with salary, which is followed by satisfaction with executives and the nature of work. The lowest level of work satisfaction is promotion oppotunity and benefits. The examinees are equally satisfied with coworkers well as the level of communication. Regarding the general level of work satisfaction, the research revealed that the examinees are mildly satisfied with work. Examining the attitudes of civil servants towards assessment evaluation system it was revealed that a large number of examinees consider that some employees get higher grade than they deserve. Accordingly with this, small number of examinees concider that all employees get grade which is equal their efficiency. That assessment evaluation system affects work motivation as well, as proved by large number of examinees whose oppinion is that work evaluation makes them produce at a higher work rate and who would consider working at a higher work rate if their grades would bring better awords. The claim that examinees the most disagree with is that the highest grades are properly rewarded. Only 21,5% examinees are mainly or completely satisfied with the assessment evaluation procedure. . The same percentage of examinees concider that assessors are objective. A large number of examinees concider that assessment does not provide selection for efficient and inefficient workers. |