Title Etnografija ženskog rada u turizmu Istre
Title (english) Ethnography of woman labor in Istria Tourism
Author Denis Brandeis
Mentor Andrea Matošević (mentor)
Committee member Tanja Habrle (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrea Matošević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Koroman (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Department of Interdisciplinary, Italian and Cultural Studies) Pula
Defense date and country 2020-11-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Ethnology and Anthropology Ethnology
Abstract Ulaskom Istre u sastav Carevine Austrije, odnosno Austro-Ugarske Monarhije sredinom 19. stoljeća dolazi do gospodarskog uzleta i paralelno s europskim trendovima počinje razvoj turizma Istre. Intenzivnim ulaganjima u infrastrukturu, promociju i politikama otvaranja prema zapadnim turistima koji donose devize, Istra se pozicionira kao predvodnica turističkog razvoja u SFR Jugoslaviji što ostaje i u suvremenoj Hrvatskoj. Svekoliki globalni gospodarski i tehnološki uzlet kao i promjena kulturološke paradigme u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća rezultirali su masovnim turističkim kretanjima u potrazi za 5S (sun-seks-sights-savings-servility) i kvalitativnom distinkcijom od poslovnog okruženja. Istra se u tom kontekstu profilirala kao destinacija koja osim sunca, mora i pijeska, zlatnim hordama turista nudi i izgrađenu turističku infrastrukturu te cestovnu dostupnost na svega nekoliko sati od središta Europe. Masovnost sezonskih turističkih kretanja generira masovnost sezonske potražnje za jeftinom radnom snagom. Obzirom na patrijarhalne društvene obrasce koji se oslikavaju na rodnu dimenziju turističkih poslova, ženskom radništvu ponuđeni su poslovi koji zrcale (neplaćena) zaduženja i odgovornosti u obitelji. Turizam kao produkt kapitalizma utemeljenog na kontinuiranoj konzumaciji konstruiranih proizvoda i usluga, radništvu je nametnuo prekarni rad i pozicionirao ih na dno klasne ljestvice. Okosnica istraživanja je etnologija ženskog rada u turizmu Istre. Na deklarativno ravnopravnom suvremenom tržištu rada gdje ženska radna snaga čini više od polovine radništva u turizmu, žene su i dalje podzastupljene na višim pozicijama upravljanja, dok njihov broj dominira na sezonskim poslovima obilježenim visokim radnim intenzitetom, nesigurnim uvjetima rada, ugovorima na određeno vrijeme i niskim plaćama.
Abstract (english) With the entry of Istria into the Empire of Austria, ie the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in the middle of the 19th century, there was an economic upswing and in parallel with European trends, the development of Istrian tourism began. With intensive investments in infrastructure, promotion and opening policies towards Western tourists who bring foreign currency, Istria is positioned as a leader in tourism development in SFR Yugoslavia, which remains in modern Croatia. The overall global economic and technological upswing as well as the change of cultural paradigm in the second half of the 20th century resulted in massive tourist movements in search of 5S (sun-seks-sights-savings-servility) and a qualitative distinction from the business environment. In this context, Istria has established itself as a destination that, in addition to the sun, sea and sand, offers golden hordes of tourists a built tourist infrastructure and road accessibility just a few hours from the center of Europe. The mass of seasonal tourist movements generates a mass of seasonal demand for cheap labour. Given the patriarchal social patterns that reflect the gender dimension of tourism jobs, women workers are offered jobs that reflect (unpaid) family responsibilities and responsibilities. Tourism, as a product of capitalism based on the continuous consumption of constructed products and services, imposed labour on the workers and positioned them at the bottom of the class scale. The backbone of the research is the ethnology of women's work in Istrian tourism. In a declaratively equal modern labour market where the female workforce accounts for more than half of the tourism industry, women are still underrepresented in higher management positions, while their numbers dominate in seasonal jobs marked by high labour intensity, precarious working conditions, fixed-term contracts and low salaries.
ženska radna snaga
prekarni rad
etnologija ženskog rada
Keywords (english)
female labour force
precarious work
ethnology of female labour
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:350525
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulture i turizma (magistar/magistra kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-03-03 06:42:51