Title Prapovijesna nalazišta u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Prehistorics sites in Croatia
Author Ema Legović
Mentor Slaven Bertoša (mentor)
Committee member Lorena Lazarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slaven Bertoša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2021-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Ancient History
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se tematikom prapovijesti u Hrvatskoj te je popraćen fotografijama i nalazištima iz prapovijesti na Hrvatskom tlu. Nalazišta iz prapovijesti oblikovala su bogatu povijest Hrvatske. Rad je koncipiran na primjerima prapovijesnih nalazišta. U rado su popraćena nalazišta kroz starije kameno doba, metalno doba i mlađe kameno doba. Jedna od primarnih ljudskih potreba bila je potreba za traženjem prirodnih zaklona kao zaštite od vremenskih nepogoda, životinja ili drugih skupina
... More ljudi. Pećine predstavljaju najduže korištene nastambe u ljudskoj povijest, to je bio prostor za stanovanje koji se kasnije mijenjao. Arheološki nalazi svjedoče o završetku nomadskog načina življenja. Arheologija je predstavljanje materijalne kulture davnih vremena. Podijeljena je u više velikih vremenskih razdoblja. Obuhvaća raspon od trenutka kada je homo habilis izradio prvo grubo oruđe do vremena čije su granice određene konvencijom i promjenama. Arheologija se dijeli na prapovijesnu, povijesnu, antičku, ranokršćansku, srednjovjekovnu, arheologiju novoga vijeka i industrijsku arheologiju. Prapovijesna arheologija je arheologija od razdoblja prije pojave pisma. Starije kameno doba (paleolitik) najstarije i najduže razdoblje ljudske povijesti i podudara se s geološkim razdobljem pleistocena. Na području današnje Hrvatske pronađeni su ostaci djelovanja čovjeka koji pripadaju najranijim razdobljima njegova razvoja. Kompleks Hušnjakovo u Krapini specifičan je po bogatom fosilnom nalazištu, nalazi se u zapadnom dijelu grada Krapine i proglašen je paleontološkim spomenikom prirode. Popularno je kao nalazište pračovjeka te predstavlja turističku atrakciju. Među prvim arheološkim nalazištima varaždinske regije bila je spilja Vindija Sjeverni dijelovi Hrvatskog zagorja, a posebice ivanečki kraj, vrlo su značajni za proučavanje najstarijih tragova ljudske vrste. Kameno doba je najstarije razdoblje prapovijesti, u okviru toga doba čovjek je izrađivao oružje pretežito od kamena, ne poznajući još obradu kovine. Ljudi su se u tom razdoblju selili i živjeli u plemenima. Na području sjeverne Hrvatske vrijeme neolitika dokumentirano je nalazištima triju glavnih arheoloških kultura: starčevačka, vinčanska i sopotska, a nešto manje korenovska i lenđelska. Less
Abstract (english) The theme of the paper is the prehistory of Croatia, which includes prehistoric photographies and findings, found on the ground of Croatia. These findings contributed to rich and well-known Croatian history. The paper is based on examples of prehistoric findings, and it covers the older Stone Age, Metal Age and younger Stone Age. One of the primary human needs was the need for shelters, which served as a protection from natural disasters, animals or other groups of people. Caves were the
... More longest used accommodation in human history, they were places to live which improved through time. Archaeological findings document the completion of the nomadic way of life. Archaeological findings are the mark of a nomadic way of life coming to an end. Archeology is the representation of a material culture of ancient times. It is divided into several large time periods. It covers every moment from when the homo habilis made the first rough tool to the time when limits were determined by convention and changes. Archeology is divided into prehistoric, historical, ancient, early Christian, medieval, modern archeology and industrial archeology. Prehistoric archeology is an archeology that captures the period before the beginning of writing.
The Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) is the oldest and longest period of human history and it matches with the geological period of the Pleistocene. The remains of human activity have been found in today's Croatian area and they belong to the earliest periods of human development. There is a complex in the town Krapina named Hušnjakovo and it is specific for its rich fossil sites. It is located in the western part of the Krapina and has been declared a paleontological natural monument. It is popular as a finding of a prehistoric man and it represents a tourist attraction. Among the first archeological sites in the Varaždin region was the Vindija cave. The northern parts of Hrvatsko Zagorje and especially the Ivanečki region, are all very important parts for studying the oldest traces of the human species. The Stone Age is the oldest period of prehistory and during that time a man was making weapons mostly out of stone, not yet knowing the processing of metal. During that time, people were moving and living in tribes. In the area of northern Croatia, the Neolithic period is documented by the sites of three main archaeological cultures: Starčevo, Vinča and Sopot but also Korenovo and Lenđel, only in a lesser extent. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:497660
Study programme Title: Integrated university Teacher education study Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-07-21 09:03:28