Abstract | U ovom radu definira se pojam kulturnog turizma i kulturnih ruta, kako se kreće ponuda i potražnja kulturnog turizma te se analizira kako on zajedno s kulturnim rutama utječe na razvoj zemlje, odnosno na njezino ekonomsko i gospodarsko stanje te na lokalno stanovništvo. Polazi se od pretpostavke da kulturni turizam, kroz elemente valorizacije te poticanje različitih kulturnih događanja ima pozitivan učinak na razvoj kulturnih resursa. Interes za kulturni turizam u stalnom je porastu, odnosno privlači sve veći broj turista, koji mogu imati pozitivan ali i negativan utjecaj na turizam. Za smanjivanje negativnih učinaka turista zadužene su međunarodne
organizacije (WTO, UNESCO i ICOMOS), koje su zadužene za unaprjeđenje i održivi razvoj kulturnog turizma. Ulaganje u kvalitetniju interpretaciju, educiranje o kulturnim i prirodnim vrijednostima te ekološko osvješćivanje može povećati broj
pozitivnih te smanjiti broj negativnih učinaka. U ovom radu istaknut primjer Hrvatske, kao male zemlje s izuzetnim potencijalom za razvoj kulturnog turizma, te kako ona ulaganjem u razvoj turizma, te stvaranjem kvalitetnih programa, strategija i preciznih
ciljeva može stvoriti jedinstven imidž destinacije. Zajedno s razvojem kulturnog turizma počele su se razvijati i kulturne rute. One imaju ulogu prezentiranja i očuvanja raznolikosti baštine različitih destinacija. Osim toga kulturne rute povezuju destinacije s istom tematikom i na taj način potiču turiste da posjećuju destinacije koje su slabije razvijene. No, kako bi neka zemlja imala mogućnost uspješnog razvoja kulturnih ruta, ona treba imati bogatu kulturnu osnovu, odnosno raspolagati raznolikim kulturnim resursima. Stoga je u ovom radu istaknut primjer Europe kao
kontinenta sa izrazito bogatom kulturno povijesnom baštinom. Europske kulture rute imaju za cilj prezentirati, zaštititi i unaprijediti kulturnu baštinu na području Europe. Cilj ovog rada jest istaknuti važnost održivog razvoja kulturnog turizma i kulturnih ruta kako bi se očuvali kulturni objekti, kulturna baština i kultura općenito te kako bi se ulaganjem u kulturu omogućio uspješniji razvoj i budućnost zemlje . |
Abstract (english) | This paper defines the concept of cultural tourism, how its supply and demand moves, and analyzes how cultural tourism together with cultural routes affects the country's development, its economic situation, and the local population. It starts from the assumption that cultural tourism, through elements of valorisation and encouragement of different cultural events, has a positive effect on the development of cultural resources. The interest for cultural tourism is steadily growing, attracting an increasing number of tourists, which can have a positive but also a negative impact on tourism. To reduce the negative effects of tourism, international organizations like WTO, UNESCO and ICOMOS have been responsible for the promotion and sustainable development of cultural tourism. Investing in better interpretation, education on cultural and natural values and ecological awareness can increase the number of positive and reduce the number of negative effects. In this paper is used an example of Croatia, as a small country with exceptional potential for the development of cultural tourism. Croatia by investing in the development of tourism and also by creating the quality programs, strategies and precise goals can create an unique destination image. Along with the development of cultural tourism, cultural routes also began to develop. They have the role of presenting and preserving the diversity of the heritage of different destinations. In addition, cultural routes connect destinations with the same theme and thus encourage tourists to visit destinations that are less developed. However, in order for a country to have the potential for a successful development of cultural tourism, it should have a rich cultural base, or have a variety of cultural resources. Therefore, this paper highlights the example of Europe as a continent with a very rich cultural and historical heritage. European culture routes aim to present, protect and enhance cultural heritage in Europe. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of sustainable development of cultural tourism and culture routes in order to preserve cultural objects ,cultural heritage and culture in general and to invest in culture to enable more successful development and the future of the country. |
Study programme | Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Tourism and Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije) |