Title Motivacija učenika za recepciju dramskog lika u suvremenim metodičkim sustavima
Title (english) Student motivation for reception of drama character in contemporary methodical systems
Author Marina Jozinović
Mentor Marko Ljubešić (mentor)
Committee member Kristina Riman (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Ljubešić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Matija Jelača (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2016-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract U suvremenoj nastavi hrvatskog jezika, naglasak je stavljen na učenika kao aktivnog sudionika nastavnog procesa. Već smo istaknuli kako uspješnost nastave ovisi upravo o dobro osmišljenoj i provedenoj motivaciji učenika. Motivacija je pokretačka snaga koja (iznutra ili izvana) potiče čovjeka na određenu aktivnost i usmjerava je određenom cilju. Ona ujedno predstavlja i centralnu ulogu u čitavom ljudskom ponašanju. Od nepobitne je važnosti da motivacijski postupci korišteni u nastavnoj praksi
... More budu zanimljivi, kako bi se time izravno utjecalo na učeničku radoznalost.
Motivacija razvija kreativnost i učenicima daje slobodu, a u nastavi mora biti prikladno osmišljena i usklađena s doživljajno – spoznajnim mogućnostima učenika, kao i s idejno – estetskim značajkama djela. Nastavnici zanimljivim i maštovitim motivacijskim postupcima, koji su bliski uzrastu i interesima učenika, pridonose zanimljivosti gradiva i pomažu učenicima da na opušteniji i manje naporan način usvoje propisane nastavne sadržaje.
U ovom se radu proučavaju motivacijski postupci važni za recepciju dramskog lika u suvremenim metodičkim sustavima. Cilj je ovog rada bio ukazati na to pojavljuju li se i u kojoj mjeri motivacijski postupci tijekom obrade dramskog djela, kakve su književne i čitalačke navike ispitanih učenika, te koliki stupanj interesa učenici pokazuju prema dramskom, scenskom i kazališnom stvaralaštvu. Iako su dramski i scenski odgoj zanemareni, ipak se javljaju mogućnosti njihove provedbe u nastavnoj praksi, a javlja se i sustavnija potreba za obrazovanjem dramskih pedagoga čime bi se u budućnosti pronašao način da se potrebe za dramskim odgojem sustavnije zadovolji uz pomoć formalne naobrazbe. Less
Abstract (english) In teaching of Croatian language, emphasis is placed on student as active participant of teaching process. We have already pointed out that the success of teaching depends on good conducted motivation of student. Motivation is mobile force which ( inside or outside) encourages man to a specific activity and it is directed towards a specific objective. Also represents main role in the entire human behavior. It is very important that motivational procedures used in teaching practice are
... More interesting, to thereby directly influence the student curiosity. Motivation develops creativity and gives students the freedom of expression, in teaching must be appropriately designed and harmonized with experiental cognitive abillities of student, as well as the conceptual aesthetic characteristics of the deed. Teachers with interesting and imaginative motivational procedures, which are close to the age and interests of students, contribute to the curiosities of material and helps students on relaxed and less strenuous method adopt prescribes teaching contents. In this paper we study motivational processes important for reception of dramatic character in modern methodycal systems. Objective of this study was indicate that occur if and to what motivational processes during interpretation of dramatic deed, what are the literary and reading habits of the surveyed students, what level of interest they show to drama, stage and theatrical creations. Although dramatic and scenic education neglected, still occur possibilities of their implementation in teaching practice, there is a systematic need for education of drama pedagogues which would in future found a method to be a need for dramatic education systematically meet with the help of formal education. Less
motivacijski postupci
književne i čitalačke navike
dramsko stvaralaštvo
scensko i kazališno stvaralaštvo
dramski i scenski odgoj
dramski pedagog
Keywords (english)
motivational processes
literary and reading habits
dramatic creations
stage and theatrical creations
dramatic and theatrical education
drama teacher
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:808816
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature (double major); teaching track Course: teaching track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-07-13 10:48:52