Title Ljekovito bilje Istre
Title (english) Medicinal herbs of Istria
Author Carla Modesto
Mentor Mauro Štifanić (mentor)
Committee member Iva Blažević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mauro Štifanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Kovačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2016-07-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Biology Ecology
Abstract Ovaj rad bavi se tematikom ljekovitog bilja, njihovih karakteristika i aktivnih
tvari, načinima uzdržavanja, branja, primjenjivanja i korištenja u životnim prigodama
gdje su one potrebne i korisne: u kulinarstvu, kozmetici i medicini; kao i veze ove
teme s razrednom nastavom i mogućnošću prezentiranja najčešćih ljekovitih biljaka
kroz nastavni predmet prirode i društva. Rad prezentira najčešće ljekovite biljne vrste
koje se mogu naći u Istri kao posebnom području Republike Hrvatske. Specifična i
jedinstvena zbog svog reljefa, nezagađenosti tla pesticidima i kemikalijama,
mediteranske klime i odvojenosti od ostalih krajeva države, Istra je izvrsna regija za
održivo iskorištavanje ove vrste bilja, prvenstveno jer se radi o bilju koje se
primjenjuje u liječenju ljudi, njihovih problema i tegoba.
Tema može se obraditi u sklopu nastavnog predmeta priroda i društvo kroz
prva četiri razreda osnovne škole. Važno je djecu od najmanjih nogu učiti poštovanju
prema prirodi i suživotu s prirodom jer oni će poslije nas živjeti na Zemlji i nastaviti
prosljeđivati znanje koje imaju svojim potomcima. Važno je ustrajati u podučavanju
djece i mladih o značaju i zaštiti svijeta.
Abstract (english) This final thesis deals with the topic of medicinal herbs, their characteristics
and active substances, ways of restrainting, gathering, applying and using them in
everyday life where they are needed and useful: cookery, cosmetics, and medicine;
as well as the connection of the topic with classroom teaching, and the possibility to
present the list of the most common medicinal herbs throughout the school subject
Science. In the following paragraphs,the paper liststhe most common medicinal
herbs which can be found in Istria,a region of the Republic of Croatia. Specific and
unique for her land relief, non-contaminated terrain with peticides and chemicals,
Mediterranean climate and seclusion from other parts of the country- Istria is an
excellent region for the development of this type of herbs, primary because
they're,used for healing people's problems and difficulties.
The topic can be processed in Science class,especially throughout the first
four years of elementary school. The future of planet Earth lays in the importance of
educating children about the importance of respecting nature and coexisting within it
from an early age,so that that knowledge could live on in their children. It's important
to persist in educating children and young adults about the importance and protection
of the world.
ljekovito bilje
priroda i društvo
Keywords (english)
medicinal herbs
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:364136
Study programme Title: Integrated university Teacher education study Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-09-07 12:24:38