Abstract | Srednjobosanski (SBK) i Zeničko-Dobojski (ZDK) kantoni imaju bogatu rudarsku, zanatsku i industrijsku povijest. Gradovi poput Zenice, Zavidovića, Breze, Travnika, Vareša i drugih poznati su kao nekad industrijski „giganti“. Iako su nekad bili industrijski gradovi, nakon osamostaljenja Bosne i Hercegovine pojavljuju se određeni problemi zbog kojih gradovi navedenih kantona gube titulu industrijskih, a postaju post-industrijski. U svijetu, post-industrijski grad pojam koji asocira na razvijene gradove Velike Britanije ili Sjedinjenih Američkih država, takav slučaj nije u Bosni i Hercegovini. Industrija, odnosno industrijska baština SBK i ZDK sve češće predstavlja sramotu među stanovništvom zbog svoje zapuštenosti, ali i zbog događaja koji su se zbivali nakon osamostaljenja Bosne i Hercegovine. Gotovo sve tvornice su ili propale, ili su na rubu propadanja, a po pitanju napuštene infrastrukture ništa se ne poduzima. Dojam koji se može steći na osnovu intervjua s bivšim industrijskim radnicima iz SBK i ZDK je da je prije osamostaljenja život bio kvalitetniji i aktivniji, s više sadržaja zabavnog, društvenog i edukativnog karaktera. Propadanje industrije dovelo je do iseljavanja stanovništva, siromaštva i nestabilnosti u državi. Zbog toga na primjeru post-industrijskih gradova koji su prenamijenili industrijsku infrastrukturu, a sačuvali njen povijesni značaj kao primjer se može uzeti kreativna industrija koja se može implementirati u gradove SBK i ZDK. |
Abstract (english) | The Central Bosnia (SBK) and Zenica-Doboj (ZDK) cantons have a rich mining, craft and industrial history. Cities such as Zenica, Zavidovići, Breza, Travnik, Vareš and others are known as once industrial „giants“. Although they used to be industrial cities, after the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, certain problems arose due to which the cities of these cantons lost the title of industrial, and gained post-industrial. In the world, the term post-industrial city is associated with the developed cities of Great Britain or the United States, such case does not apply to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Industry, or the industrial heritage of SBK and ZDK, is increasingly a disgrace among the population due to its neglect, but also due to the recent events that took place after the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Almost all factories have either collapsed or are on the verge of collapse, and nothing is being done about abandoned infrastructure. The impression that can be gained based on interviews with former industrialists of SBK and ZDK cantones is that before independence, life was better and more active, with more entertainment, social and educational events. The decline of the industry has led to the emigration of the population, poverty and instability in the country. Therefore, on the example of post-industrial cities that have repurposed industrial infrastructure, and preserved its historical significance, the creative industry that can be implemented in the cities of SBK and ZDK cantones can be taken as an example. |