Abstract | Unatoč napretku medicine, brojnih preventivnih programa, predavanja i edukacija koje se provode s ciljem poticanja ljudi na brigu o zdravlju i pravodobnom reagiranju, nažalost, broj oboljelih od malignih bolesti i dalje raste. Abdominalna kirurgija ima sve više operacijskih zahvata, broj osoba sa stomom je svakim danom veći, a enterostomalnih terapeuta nema dovoljno. Uloga medicinske sestre, ali i cjelokupnog zdravstvenog osoblja je sve zahtjevnija zbog nedostatka zdravstvenog osoblja. Briga o pacijentima sa stomom je specifična, stoga je potrebno posebno educirano zdravstveno osoblje. Međutim, zbog malog broja enterostomalnih terapeuta, medicinska sestra je primorana samostalno se educirati kako bi što bolje pružila pacijentu potrebnu zdravstvenu njegu, educirala ga i osamostalila te na taj način očuvala kvalitetu života osobe. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je prikazati ulogu medicinske sestre kod osoba s intestinalnom stomom, posebno u procesu edukacije pacijenta i njegove obitelji. Podrška obitelji i poticanje na brigu o zdravlju, uz prethodnu edukaciju, dovodi do adekvatne skrbi o stomi i peristomalnoj regiji, sprečavanju nastanka komplikacija te očuvanju kvalitete življenja. |
Abstract (english) | Despite the progression of medicine, number of preventive programs, lectures and educations intended to encourage people to take care of their health in a timely manner, unfortunately, the number of people suffering from malignant diseases continues to grow. For example, the frequency of abdominal surgeries increase each day, without adequate enterostomal therapists. The role of the nurse, but also of the entire healthcare community, is increasingly demanding due to the lack of health care personnel. Caring for patients with a stoma is very particular, therefore, specially trained healthcare staff is needed. However, due to the small number of enterostomal therapists avaliable, the nurse is forced to educate themselves, in order to provide necessary care, educate and support the patient, and preserve the patient's quality of life. The aim of this review is to show the role of the nurse in caring for patients with people ntestinal stomas, especially educating the patient and their family. Family support and encouragement in this process, along with education, leads to adequate care of the stoma and peristomal region. Thus preventing complications, and improving the patient's quality of life. |