Title Društvena odgovornost marketinga
Title (english) Marketing social responsibility
Author Barbara Kalister
Mentor Erik Ružić (mentor)
Committee member Dragan Benazić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Erik Ružić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Križman Pavlović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2023-06-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Tema rada „Društvena odgovornost marketinga“ obrađena je najprije kroz pregled samog marketinga kao discipline, etike kao znanosti, te društvene odgovornosti kao koncepcije poslovanja. Isti su pojmovi teorijski razrađeni, te je iskazan njihov razvoj kroz pregled radova autora relevantnih za ta područja. Na kraju se sama tema izložena kroz stvarne poslovne slučaje iz prakse.
Kroz prvi dio rada autorica daje uvid u pojam marketinga i pregled onoga što je marketing postao danas, kako ga je to tržište oblikovalo. Na prvi dio se nastavlja i pregled inačica marketinga koji su srodni pojmu društveno odgovornog marketinga, a služe za bolje razumijevanje teme. Za bolje razumijevanje teme vrlo je važno bilo i objasniti i Etiku kao znanost koja može predstavljati izazov u kreiranju marketinških aktivnosti. Autorica se samoj srži rada približava opisujući društveno odgovorno poslovanje i ističući njegove izazove i benefite provedbe.
Posljednji dio rada koji govori o samoj srži teme ujedno je i praktični dio u kojem se opisuju stvarni slučajevi odabrani iz poslovne prakse. Društveno odgovorni marketing nije jednokratna inicijativa, već koncepcija koja dugoročno osigurava benefite za svih nas.
Abstract (english) The theme of the paper "Social responsibility of marketing" was first explained through an overview of marketing itself as a discipline, ethics as a science, and social responsibility as a business concept. The same concepts are describeddescribed theoretically, and their development is shown through an overview of the works of authors relevant to those areas. At the end, the topic itself is presented through real business cases from practice.
Through the first part of the work, the author provides an insight into the concept of marketing and an overview of what marketing has become today and how it was shaped by the market. The first part continues with an overview of marketing versions that are related to the concept of socially responsible marketing, and serve for a better understanding of the topic. For a better understanding of the topic, it was very important to explain ethics as a science that can represent a challenge in the creation of marketing activities. The author approaches the core of the work by describing socially responsible business and highlighting its challenges and benefits of implementation.
The last part of the paper, which talks about the very core of the topic, is also a practical part in which real cases selected from business practice are described. Socially responsible marketing is not a one-time initiative, but a concept that ensures long-term benefits for all of us.
društveno odgovorno poslovanje
inačice marketinga
etika u marketingu
društvena odgovornost marketinga
Keywords (english)
socially responsible business
versions of marketing
ethics in marketing
social responsibility of marketing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:192225
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Marketing Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-06-29 10:21:55