Title Primjena Employer Branding strategije u bolnici
Title (english) Implementation of Employer Branding strategy in the hospital
Author Nada Černe
Mentor Morena Paulišić (mentor)
Mentor Alen Benazić (sumentor)
Committee member Marlena Plavšić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Morena Paulišić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alen Benazić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Katarina Kostelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty od Medicine) Pula
Defense date and country 2023-07-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Employer Branding strategija je proces usmjerenog pristupa kojim se organizacija predstavlja kao atraktivan poslodavac kako bi privukla, zadržala i motivirala talentirane zaposlenike. Kroz aktivnosti kao što su izgradnja pozitivnog radnog okruženja, komunikacija s ciljnim skupinama, upravljanje reputacijom i razvoj programa nagrađivanja, organizacija gradi svoj identitet kao poželjan poslodavac. Svrha rada je istražiti stavove medicinskih sestara/tehničara zaposlenih u bolnici te studenata prijediplomskog studija Sestrinstva o bolnici kao poslodavcu, s fokusom na mogućnost ili stupanj primjene Employer Branding strategije. Istraživanje je provedeno putem anketnog upitnika. Rezultati su pokazali da temeljem percepcije trenutno zaposlenih medicinskih sestara i tehničara o bolnici kao poslodavcu te pratećih konstrukata zadovoljstva radnim mjestom moguće je zaključiti kako postoji prostor za primjenu i razvijanje Employer Branding strategije, a u svrhu zadržavanja postojećeg kadra. Također, temeljem percepcije studenata prijediplomskog studija Sestrinstva o bolnici gdje obavljaju praksu, a kao potencijalnog poslodavca, moguće je zaključiti kako postoji prostor za primjenu i razvijanje Employer Branding strategije, sa svrhom privlačenja potencijalnih zaposlenika. Jedan od ključnih faktora zadržavanja i privlačnosti zaposlenika je upravo mogućnost ispunjavanja profesionalnih očekivanja medicinskih sestara, kao što je rad u organizaciji koja cijeni visoke standarde kvalitete skrbi i sigurnosti pacijenata i zaposlenika. Dobivene rezultate kao pogodnosti, odabrane od polovice i više ispitanika, mogle bi se primijeniti kao naputak što bi eventualno zadržalo postojeće i privuklo buduće zaposlenike. Redoslijedom su to slijedeće pogodnosti: financijske pogodnosti; priznavanje visokog stupnja obrazovanja automatizmom; edukacija, usavršavanje vještina, mogućnost napredovanja u karijeri; pogodnosti za uravnoteženje privatnog i poslovnog života, fleksibilno radno vrijeme, poštivanje, dvosmjerna i uvažavajuća komunikacija.
Abstract (english) Employer Branding strategy is a process of focused approach by which the organization presents itself as an attractive employer in order to attract, retain and motivate talented employees. Through activities such as building a positive working environment, communicating with target groups, managing reputation and developing reward programs, the organization builds its identity as a desirable employer. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the attitudes of nurses/technicians employed at the hospital and students of undergraduate nursing studies about the hospital as an employer, with a focus on the possibility or degree of application of the Employer Branding strategy. The research was conducted through a survey questionnaire. The results showed that based on the perception of the currently employed employees about hospital as an employer and the accompanying constructs of job satisfaction, it is possible to conclude that there is room for the application and development of the Employer Branding strategy, in order to retain the existing staff. Also, based on the perception of Nursing undergraduate students about hospital where they practice, and as a potential employer, it is possible to conclude that there is room for the application and development of the Employer Branding strategy, with the aim of attracting potential employees. One of the key factors in retaining and attracting employees is precisely the possibility of meeting the professional expectations of nurses, such as working in an organization that values high standards of quality care and patient and employee safety. The obtained results as benefits, selected by half or more of the respondents, could be applied as an instruction that would eventually retain existing and attract future employees. These are the following benefits in order: financial benefits; recognition of a high level of education by automation; education, improvement of skills, possibility of career advancement; benefits for balancing private and business life, flexible working hours, respect, two-way and respectful communication.
medicinske sestre
studenti sestrinstva
ljudski resursi
Employer Branding strategija
Keywords (english)
nursing students
human resources
Employer Branding strategy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:267229
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra sestrinstva (magistar/ magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-28 07:18:57