Title Inkluzija djece s poteškoćama u redovne vrtićke skupine
Title (english) Inclusion of children with disabilities in regular kindergarten groups
Author Elisabetta Petretić
Mentor Dijana Drandić (mentor)
Committee member Lorena Lazarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Drandić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2023-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract Djeca s teškoćama u razvoju su djeca koja su se kroz svoj razvoj susrela sa različitim intelektualnim, psihičkim i fizičkim poteškoćama, koje utječu na njihove sposobnosti i mogućnosti. Kroz povijest, djecu s teškoćama se smještalo u razne institucije daleko od obitelji i cijelog društva, što je na kraju rezultiralo njihovom stagnacijom ili čak regresijom u razvoju. S vremenom, dokazalo se da njihovom integracijom u društvo, pa tako i u odgojno-obrazovne ustanove može se uvelike pomoći u
... More razvoju njihovim sposobnosti.
Iako je inkluzija djece s teškoćama u razvoju veoma zahtjevna i ponekad iscrpna za sve koje u njoj sudjeluju, njeni doprinosi djetetu ali i ostalima čine ju vrijednom truda. Odgojitelj skupine sa djetetom provodi najviše vremena te se od njega očekuje da poticaje i aktivnosti prilagodi djetetovim mogućnostima te da ga uključi i time pruži mogućnost da raste i da se razvija. Upravo zbog toga, od odgojitelja se očekuje cjeloživotno obrazovanje i unaprjeđivanje u području teškoće u razvoju koju dijete posjeduje. Kako bi inkluzija bila što kvalitetnija i uspješnija važno je da svi sudionici iste jednako sudjeluju i zajedno surađuju ka zajedničkom cilju. Posebno je važna komunikacija između odgojitelja, roditelja i stručnog tima odgojno-obrazovne ustanove, suradnja i određivanje zajedničkih ciljeva, uočavanje i njegovanje djetetovih interesa i potreba te prilagođavanje programa prema istima. (Zrilić,2011).
Svako dijete bez obzira na dob, spol, fizički izgled, stupanj razvoja ili poteškoće u razvoju ima pravo na bezbrižno odrastanje te odgoj i obrazovanje. Uključivanjem u redovne odgojno-obrazovne programe, djeci s teškoćama se pruža prilika da uz svoje vršnjake rastu, razvijaju se i od njih uče i time ispunjaju svoje pravo. Less
Abstract (english) Children with developmental disabilities are children who through their development have encountered various intellectual, psychological and physical difficulties, which affect their day to day abilities. Throughout history, children with disabilities have been placed in various institutions away from the family and the whole society, which eventually resulted in their stagnation or even regression in development. Over time, it has been proven that their integration into society,
... More including educational institutions, can greatly help in the development of their abilities.
Although the inclusion of children with disabilities is very demanding and sometimes exhaustive for all who participate in it, its contributions to the child and others make it worth it in the end. The teacher of the group spends a lot of time with the child and is expected to adapt the incentives and activities to the child's capabilities and to include him and thus provide the opportunity to grow and develop. Precisely because of this, educators are expected to have lifelong education and improvement in the area of developmental difficulties that the child possesses. In order for inclusion to be as high-quality and successful as possible, it is important that all participants participate equally and cooperate together towards a common goal. Especially important is the communication between educators, parents and the professional team of the educational institution, cooperation and determination of common goals, noticing and nurturing the child's interests and needs, and also adapting the program to their needs. (Zrilić, 2011).
Every child, regardless of age, gender, physical appearance, stage of development or developmental difficulties, has the right to carefree upbringing and education. By joining regular educational programs, children with disabilities are given the opportunity to grow, develop and learn from their peers and thus fulfill their rights. Less
teškoće u razvoju
odgojitelji u inkluziji
Keywords (english)
developmental disabilities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:368200
Study programme Title: Early and preschool education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučililšni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučililšni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-09-14 12:09:29