Title Tradicionalne viteške igre Trka na prstenac i Sinjska alka - usporedba i zanimljivosti
Title (english) Traditional knight tournaments Tilting at the ring and Alka of Sinj - comparison and interesting facts
Author Andrea Ljubić
Mentor Slaven Bertoša (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Gržinić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slaven Bertoša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Early Croatian and World History
Abstract Konjičke viteške igre Trka na prstenac i Sinjska alka sastavni su dio nematerijalne kulturne
baštine Hrvatske. Predstavljaju iznimno važan resurs u kulturnom i sportskom turizmu. Zbog
svoje autohtnosti, jedinstvenosti i duge tradicije zadnjih godina postale su sastavnim dijelom
hrvatske turističke ponude. Smatra se kako su obje viteške igre proizašle iz viteških natjecanja
koja su se održavala u srednjem vijeku diljem mletačkih gradova u Istri i Dalmaciji. Na početku
viteški turniri
... More služili su za uvježbavanje ratnih vještina, dok se kasnije organiziraju u svrhu
zabave i razonode. Kako je feudalizam polako počeo nestajati, viteški turniri sve su se manje
održavali, dok nisu u potpunosti nestali. Danas se viteške igre obnavljaju i ponovno organiziraju
u obliku manifestacija koje pridonose promicanju tradicije i autentičnosti neke destinacije te
razvoju kulturnog turizma.
Trka na prstenac koja se održava u Barbanu u povijesnim se izvorima po prvi put spominje 1696.
Tada se na blagdan Duhova u Barbanu održavao slobodni sajam zbog kojega je bila organizirana
ova viteška igra, kako bi se privukao što veći broj posjetitelja. Nakon ove, bile su upriličene još
tri trke. Posljednja trka koja je ostala zabilježena u povijesnim izvorima održala se u lipnju
1703., nakon čega se gubi svaki pisani trag o ovom natjecanju u Barbanu. Zahvaljući zalaganju
povjesničara Danila Klena i drugih aktivista s područja Barbana, ovo se viteško natjecanje
ponovno održalo 1976., nakon više od 200 godina. Od tada se Trka na prstenac kontinuirano
održava svake godine trećeg vikenda u kolovozu.
Osim u Barbanu, slično viteško natjecanje održava se u Sinju. Kao i u Trci na prstenac, u
Sinjskoj alki također sudjeluju konjanici, odnosno alkari koji, jašući na konju u punom galopu,
kopljem gađaju metu (alku ili prstenac). Sinjska alka po prvi put se održala 1715., u spomen na
slavnu pobjedu Sinjana nad Turcima. Od tada, gotovo bez prestanka se organizira prve nedjelje u
kolovozu svake godine. Ono što je posebno zanimljivo istaknuti jest to da je vrijednost ove
viteške igre prepoznao UNESCO, budući da ju je 2010. uvrstio na Reprezentativni popis
nematerijalne kulturne baštine čovječanstva. Iako ove dvije viteške igre imaju nekoliko
različitosti, ono što ih čini sličnima jest to da su obje postale dio kulturnih identiteta u mjestima u
kojima se održavaju te su vrlo važne za lokalnu kulturu i razvoj turizma i gospodarstva. Less
Abstract (english) Knightly games Tilting at the Ring and Sinjska Alka are an integral part of the intangible cultural
heritage of Croatia. They represent an extremely important resource in cultural and sports
tourism. Due to their authenticity, uniqueness, and long tradition, they have become an integral
part of the Croatian tourist offer in recent years. It is believed that both knightly games
originated from knightly competitions that were held in the Middle Ages throughout the
Venetian cities in
... More Istria and Dalmatia. In the beginning, knightly tournaments were used to
practice war skills, while later they were organized for entertainment and leisure purposes. As
Feudalism slowly began to disappear, knightly tournaments were held less and less until they
disappeared completely. Today, knightly games have been renewed and reorganized in the form
of events that contribute to the promotion of the destination's tradition, originality and the
development of cultural tourism.
Tilting at the Ring, which is held in Barban, was mentioned in historical sources for the first time
in 1696. It was organized on the Christian holiday Pentecost to attract larger number of visitors.
Three more races were held after this one. The last race that was recorded in historical sources
took place in June 1703, after which every written trace of this competition in Barban was lost.
Thanks to the efforts of historian Klen and other activists from Barban, this knightly competition
was held again in 1976 after more than 200 years. Since then, Tilting at the Ring has been held
continuously every year on the third weekend in August.
Apart from Barban, a similar knightly competition is held in Sinj. As in Titling at the Ring,
Sinjska Alka also includes equestrians called alkari, who ride horses in full gallop and head for
the target (alka or prstenac in Croatian) with their spear. Sinjska alka was held for the first time
in 1715 in commemoration of the famous victory of the people of Sinj over the Turks. Since
then, it has been organized almost continuously every year, on the first Sunday in August.
UNESCO recognized the value of this game and included it into the List of Intangible Cultural
Heritage in 2010. Although these two knightly games have several differences, what makes them
similar is that both have become part of the cultural identities of the places where they are held.
They are also very important for the local culture and the development of tourism and the
economy. Less
viteške igre
nematerijalna kulturna baština
srednji vijek
Trka na prstenac
Sinjska alka
Centar za posjetitelje Barban
Muzej Sinjske alke
Keywords (english)
knightly games
intangible cultural heritage
the Middle Ages
Tilting at the Ring
Sinjska alka
Barban Visitor Center
Museum of Sinjska alka
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:226017
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulture i turizma (magistar/magistra kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-09-21 09:36:29