Title Povijest rudarstva u Hrvatskoj (s posebnim osvrtom na Istru)
Title (english) History of mining in Croatia (with special reference to Istra)
Author Alina Guta
Mentor Slaven Bertoša (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Vojnović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slaven Bertoša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2023-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Croatian and World Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract Istraživanje rudarstva, njegov povijesni napredak i njegova integracija u područje turizma i baštine, prikazuje zadivljujuću priču o ljudskom napretku i povezanosti sa Zemljom. Od rudimentarnih alata iz prapovijesti do naprednih strojeva modernog rudarstva, putovanje kroz povijest naglašava simbiotski odnos između vađenja resursa i društvenog razvoja. Drevne civilizacije poput Rimljana i Grka postavile su temelje za rudarske tehnike, dok je industrijska revolucija uvela mehanizaciju i parnu
... More snagu, revolucionizirajući mogućnosti industrije. Okolišni i društveni problemi potaknuli su pomak prema održivim praksama i etičkim razmatranjima posljednjih godina. Spoj rudarske baštine i turizma stvara put za impresivna iskustva učenja. Povijesni rudnici, muzeji i festivali prenose posjetitelje u prošla razdoblja, nudeći uvid u živote rudara i tehnologije koje su oblikovale njihov rad. Dok gledamo u budućnost, tehnologija obećava poboljšana virtualna iskustva, dok suradnje s istraživačkim institucijama i uspon svemirskog rudarenja proširuju horizonte istraživanja. Usred te evolucije javlja se odgovornost za očuvanje kulturne baštine i promicanje održivih praksi. Sinteza povijesti rudarstva i turizma ne samo da obogaćuje gospodarstva, već i čuva priče o odnosu čovječanstva sa Zemljom. Baš kao što su se rudari u davna vremena odvažili na neistražena područja, današnji istraživači zadiru u slojeve povijesti, otkrivajući lekcije koje nam određuju put naprijed. Rudarska povijest Labina i Raše sažima dinamičnu međuigru ljudske ambicije, industrije i kulture. Obuhvaćajući ugljen i minerale, ova je povijest bila kamen temeljac lokalnog razvoja i identiteta. Putovanje kroz radničke borbe i tehnološki napredak otkriva priču o otpornosti i prilagodbi. Rudarska ostavština Labina i Raše živi je podsjetnik na složen odnos između društva i njegovih resursa, naglašavajući imperativ održivih praksi za budućnost. Priča o rudarstvu, protkana kroz vrijeme, nastavlja oblikovati našu povezanost s resursima i okolišem. Konvergencija turizma i baštine omogućuje nam da otkrijemo ne samo minerale ugrađene u Zemlju, već i dublje slojeve naše zajedničke povijesti. Dakle, istraživanje rudarske ostavštine obogaćuje naše razumijevanje prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti, ostavljajući nas zauvijek promijenjenima blagom koje otkriva. Less
Abstract (english) In summary, the exploration of mining, its historical progression, and its integration into the realm of tourism and heritage showcases a captivating narrative of human advancement and connection to the Earth. From rudimentary tools of prehistoric times to the advanced machinery of modern mining, the journey through history underscores the symbiotic relationship between resource extraction and societal development. Ancient civilizations like the Romans and Greeks laid the groundwork for
... More mining techniques, while the Industrial Revolution ushered in mechanization and steam power, revolutionizing the industry's capabilities. Environmental and social concerns have prompted a shift toward sustainable practices and ethical considerations in recent years. The fusion of mining heritage and tourism creates an avenue for immersive learning experiences. Historic mines, museums, and festivals transport visitors to eras gone by, offering insights into the lives of miners and the technologies that shaped their work. As we peer into the future, technology holds the promise of enhanced virtual experiences, while collaborations with research institutions and the rise of space mining expand the horizons of exploration. Amid this evolution, a responsibility to conserve cultural heritage and promote sustainable practices emerges. The synthesis of mining history and tourism not only enriches economies but also preserves the stories of humanity's relationship with the Earth. Just as miners of old ventured into uncharted territories, today's explorers delve into the layers of history, unearthing lessons that inform our path forward. The mining history of Labin and Raša encapsulates the dynamic interplay between human ambition, industry, and culture. Spanning coal this history has been a cornerstone of local development and identity. The journey through labor struggles and technological progress unveils a narrative of resilience and adaptation. Labin and Raša's mining legacy is a living reminder of the intricate relationship between society and its resources, highlighting the imperative of sustainable practices for the future. Mining's narrative, woven through time, continues to mold our connection with resources and the environment. The convergence of tourism and heritage allows us to uncover not only the minerals embedded in the Earth but also the deeper layers of our shared history. Thus, the exploration of mining's legacy enriches our understanding of the past, present, and future, leaving us forever changed by the treasures it reveals. Less
rudarska baština
Keywords (english)
mining heritage
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:769669
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-09-27 14:19:09