Title Boje kao pokazatelj emocija u dječjem likovnom izražavanju
Title (english) Color as an indicator of emotion in children's artistic expression
Author Jasminka Bajić
Mentor Breza Žižović (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Breza Žižović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đeni Zuliani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2016-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Art Education
Abstract Ponekad svi imaju poteškoće u izražavanju vlastitih emocija, pogotovo na verbalan način. Emocije se često više i lakše nego riječima izražavaju pomoću određenih pokreta i izraza lica. Također, likovno izražavanje nevizualnih poticaja, pruža mogućnost izražavanja emocija bojom, oblikom i linijom. Kako bi se spoznale i razumjele tuđe emocije, primarno je poznavati vlastite te ih znati izraziti na adekvatan način.
Kroz likovno izražavanje bojama djeca se mogu osloboditi negativnih emocija i pokazati one ugodne, što im uz razvitak kreativnosti olakšava i samo emocionalno sazrijevanje i viši stupanj emocionalne inteligencije. U tom procesu treba voditi računa o poznavanju razvojnih faza dječjeg likovnog izražavanja.
U ovom radu i istraživanju, pažnja je usmjerena na povezanost boja i emocija u dječjem likovnom izražavanju. Istražio se utjecaj određenih emocija (sreće, tuge, ljutnje i straha) na odabir toplih i hladnih boja u dječjim radovima, izražene kroz prikaz „Neobična drveta“ iz priče koja je djelo autorice ovog istraživanja. Namjera je bila utvrditi zastupljenost toplih i hladnih boja te pojavnost određene boje u navedenim emocijama. Rezultati su pokazali da većina učenika pozitivnu emociju sreće povezuje s toplim bojama, a negativne emocije (tugu i strah) s hladnim bojama. Emociju ljutnje, iako se svrstava pod negativne, učenici su povezali s toplim bojama. U rezultatima se uočava značajna zastupljenost, uz smeđu i zelenu boju, plave kod hladnih boja te narančaste kod toplih boja.
Kako dječji radovi ne bi bili rezultat subjektivnog doživljaja i opažanja, napravila se analiza dječjih radova koju prate iskazani učenički komentari i značenja vlastitih uradaka.
Abstract (english) Everybody sometimes have difficulties in expressing their own emotions, especially verbally. Emotions are more often and easier expressed using certain movements and facial expressions than words. Moreover, artistic expression of non-visual stimuli allows for the possibility of expressing emotions using colour, shape and line. In order to learn and understand other people’s emotions it is primarily necessary to know your own and know how to express them adequately.
Through artistic expression using colours, children can get rid of negative emotions and show the pleasant ones which allows them not just to develop creativity but also facilitates emotional maturity and a higher degree of emotional intelligence. In that process you need to be acquainted with the development stages of artistic expressions in children.
In this thesis and research the attention is focused on the connection between colours and emotions in children’s artistic expression. The research deals with the influence of certain emotions (happiness, sadness, anger and fear) on choosing warm and cool colours in children’s drawings which were expressed through drawings of “An Unusual Tree” which was taken from the story whose author is also the author of this research. The intention was to determine the representation of warm and cool colours and incidence of certain colours in the said emotions. The results have shown that most of the students connects the positive emotion of happiness with warm colours and negative emotions (sadness and fear) with cool colours. Emotion of anger, although it is a negative one, students connect with warm colours. The results have shown a substantial representation of brown, green and blue in cool colours and orange in warm colours.
In order for the children’s works not to be a result of a subjective experience and observations, an analysis of children’s works was done which is accompanied with pupils’ commentaries and meanings of their own works.
likovno izražavanje
Keywords (english)
artistic expression
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:084032
Study programme Title: Integrated university Teacher education study Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-10-11 10:04:55