Title Jezik dječje priče
Title (english) Language of children's literature
Author Manuela Šimonović
Mentor Helena Pavletić (mentor)
Committee member Kristina Riman (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Pavletić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2016-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract U radu se proučavaju dječje priče na jezičnoj razini, koje su objavljivane proteklih
deset godina u hrvatskim književnim dječjim časopisima. Pokušavalo se otkriti što se
postiže uporabom specifičnih jezičnih oblika te jesu li priče svojim leksičkim i stilskim
obilježjima prilagođene namijenjenoj dobi. To znači: jesu li razumljive, zanimljive,
poučne i poticajne za razvoj čitalačke kulture.
Cilj je rada analizirati leksik dječje priče, koliko se koriste elementi razgovornog jezika
kao što su
... More žargonizmi, kolokvijalizmi, tuđice, strane riječi ili pak zastarjelice, leksemi
poput arhaizama ili historizama. Osim leksika, analizirana je i morfološka razina te
sintaktička obilježja priča čijom se analizom željelo pokazati jesu li rečenice
jednostavne, jasne ili duge i složene, te koliko su u skladu s današnjim načinom
izražavanja. U stilističkom smislu proučavane su stilske figure koje pričama daju
umjetničku vrijednost te mladim čitateljima omogućuju poimanje svijeta koji se u
pričama predočuje. Pokušavalo se uočiti koliko pravopisna obilježja mogu utjecati na
značenje ili ton priče, iako je takvih primjera pronađeno manje.
Zaključeno je da se priče razlikuju prema dobi kojoj su namijenjene, po jeziku koji je
bitno drugačiji od jezika klasičnih dječjih priča, po likovima te po stilskim figurama i
leksiku koji se u njima koristi. Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja uočava se da su
djeci vrtićke dobi prilagođene priče koje su pisane jednostavnim i razumljivim jezikom
i podsjećaju na bajke te imaju antropomorfne likove ili govore o temama iz
svakodnevnog života djece, a leksik je blizak suvremenom načinu izražavanja. Less
Abstract (english) The thesis studies children’s stories which have been published in Croatian children’s
literature magazines in the past ten years. The stories are studied at the language
level. The goal was to discover what is being accomplished by using specific
language forms, as well as whether the stories are appropriate for their readers’
intended age in terms of their lexical and stylistic features. In other words: are they
interesting, understandable, educational and stimulating for the development
... More of the
reading culture.
The goal of the thesis is to analyze the lexis of the children’s story, how much are the
elements of conversational language used, elements such as vernacular, colloquial
language, foreign words, and archaic words. Other than lexis, the thesis also
analyzes the morphological level as well as the syntactic features of the story, in
order to show whether the sentences are simple and clear or long and complex, and
if they are in sync with the modern way of expression.
In terms of style, the thesis studies the figures of speech which give the stories
artistic value and enable the young readers to comprehend the world presented in
them. There was also an attempt to pinpoint how much orthographic features can
affect the meaning and the tone of the story, but there were only a few examples
It is concluded that the stories vary according to the readers’ age they are intended
to, according to language which is substantially different from the language used in
classic children’s stories, according to characters as well as figures of speech and
lexis used.
Based on research results, it is concluded that the stories intended for kindergarten
children are adjusted by using simple and understandable language, they are similar
to fairy tales and they have anthropomorphic characters or they talk about the
subjects from children’s everyday life, but the lexis is closer to modern way of
expression. Less
dječja priča
dječji časopisi
Keywords (english)
children’s story
children’s magazines
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:606025
Study programme Title: Preschool Education Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-10-11 10:09:40