Title Kulturni turizam u Općini Svetvinčenat
Title (english) Cultural tourism in the municipality of Svetvinčenat
Author Dean Perković
Mentor Mauro Dujmović (mentor)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mauro Dujmović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lela Tijanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2016-07-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Iz godine u godinu Hrvatska biljeţi značajan uspon u sektoru turizma unatoč brojnim
negativnim čimbenicima koji usporavaju takav trend. Dugogodišnja turistiĉka ponuda
temeljena na suncu i moru polako se diverzificira te paţnju posjetitelja sve više privlaĉi
bogata prirodna i kulturno-povijesna baština. Upravo kulturni resursi Hrvatske mogu
znaĉajno obogatiti imidž i kvalitetu hrvatske turistiĉke ponude. Iz toga proizlazi i cilj ovog
diplomskog rada koji ukazuje na vaţnost revalorizacije postojeće kulturne baštine i
razvoja novih kulturno-turistiĉkih sadrţaja u destinaciji, pogotovo ruralnim sredinama
poput Općine Svetvinčenat čiji se kulturno-turistički potencijal u radu razmatra, a što za
posljedicu donosi pozitivne ekonomske i socio-kulturne uĉinke za lokalnu zajednicu.
Upravo zbog toga, fokus aktivnosti stavljen je na kulturni turizam kao jedan od
selektivnih oblika turizma s najvećim razvojnim mogućnostima. Posebice na relevantne
proizvodne kulturnog turizma poput turizma baštine, turizma događaja, kreativnog
turizama te vjerskog turizma. Navedeni proizvodi moraju se temeljiti na autentičnosti,
kreativnosti i postizanju prepoznatljivosti, a pritom zahtjevaju konstantno ulaganje i
sustavan rad baziran na kreiranju regionalih i globalnih turistiĉkih brendova.
Mala ruralna sredina poput Općine Svetvinčenat, a napose pitoreskno mjesto
Svetvinčenat sa srednjovjekovnim kaštelom Moriosini Grimani i jedinstvenim
renesansnim trgom posjeduje izniman potencijal u segmentu kulturnog turizma što se u
ovom diplomskom radu potkrepljuje podacima i analizama. Utvrđuje se potreba za
dodatnim turističkim ulaganjima, stvaranjem turistiĉkih proizvoda i definiranjem
dugoročne vizije razvoja Svetvinčenta, bazirane na kulturnom turizmu. Važno je
napomenuti i potrebu za još intenzivnijom integracijom kulturnog i kreativnog sektora s
turistiĉkim sektorom čime bi Svetvinčenat još više dobio na marketinškoj
prepoznatljivosti te pritom ostvario povoljne socio-ekonomske učinke za lokalnu
Upravo zato, kroz poglavlja ovog rada potvrđuje se polazna hipoteza da je za razvoj
kulturnog turizma, a napose kulturnog turizma Svetvinĉenta, neophodan sustavan rad
na aktiviranju marketinških i upravljačkih aspekata destinacije te svrhovita ulaganja
temeljena na dugoročnoj viziji razvoja.
Abstract (english) Year after year Croatia is making a significant rise in tourism although there are many
negative circumstances which make that progress slower. For many years tourism
offered nothing but the sun and the sea, but now it is slowly becoming diverse and
visitors are more attracted to rich nature and cultural-historical heritage. Namely the
cultural resources of Croatia significantly enrich the image and quality of Croatian tourist
offer. Considering all that the aim of this thesis is to emphasize the importance of
revalorization of existing cultural heritage and developing new cultural-tourist contents at
the destination, especially rural environment like the municipality of Svetvinĉenat which
cultural – tourist potential is being considered in this thesis, and which brings positive
economic and socio-cultural effects for the local community. Because of that, the focus
of the activities is put on cultural tourism as one of the selective types of tourism with the
biggest possibilities of development. Especially on relevant products of cultural tourism
like heritage tourism, event tourism, creative tourism and religious tourism. These
products have to be based on authenticity, creativity and accomplishing to be
recognizable, at the same time demanding constant investments and continuous work
based on creating regional and global tourist brands. A little rural environment like the
municipality of Svetvinčenat and especially a picturesque place of Svetvinčenat with a
medieval castle of Moriosini Grimani and unique renaissance square has an exceptional
potential in the segment of cultural tourism which is being supported in this thesis by
evidence and analysis. What is established is the need for extra investment in tourism,
making tourist products and defining the long-term vision of Svetvinĉenat's development
based on cultural tourism. It is important to mention the need for more intensive
integration of cultural and creative sector which would give to Svetvinčenat more of
market recognition and achieve well socioeconomic efficiency for the local community.
Because of that chapters of this thesis confirm the starting hypothesis that the essential
for the development of cultural tourism and especially the cultural tourism of
Svetvinĉenat is a systematical work on activating marketing and management aspects of
destination just like purposeful investments based on long-term vision of the development.
kulturni turizam
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:881816
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Tourism and Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-10-11 10:16:47