Title Povijesni pregled hrvatskog dječjeg filma
Title (english) Historical review of Croatian children's films
Author Marta Orbanić
Mentor Kristina Riman (mentor)
Committee member Lorena Lazarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Riman (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Kovačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Film Art (Film, Electronic and Media Art of Moving Pictures) Film Dramaturgy and Script
Abstract U ovom radu predstavljen je igrani film i njegovi žanrovi. Igrani film ima mnoge prednosti za dječji rast i razvoj, uključujući razvoj kritičkog stava, kognitivnog razmišljanja, pamćenja, koncentracije, mašte, kreativnosti i govornih sposobnosti. Važno je da odabrani film odgovara djetetovoj dobi i da bude tematski prikladan kako bi dijete moglo razumjeti što se događa i zadržati koncentraciju. Kroz filmove, djeca mogu naučiti o ljudskim odnosima i izvlačiti pouke koje će im koristiti kroz
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Ovaj rad sadrži prikaz razvoja igranog filma tokom povijesti, od njegovih početaka pa sve do danas. Igrani film u Hrvatskoj se kroz desetljeća razvijao i svakom godinom se pokazivao sve veći uspjeh. Svaki film i njegov redatelj, scenarist, između ostalog i glumci pa i kostimografija zaslužni su za svoj uspjeh i doprinos hrvatskoj kinematografiji te razvoju samog igranog filma tokom povijesti.
Osim o povijesti hrvatskog igranog filma, ovaj se završni rad bavi i pregledom odabranih dječjih igranih filmova. Odabrani filmovi protežu se od razdoblja 1950-ih godina prošlog stoljeća pa sve do danas. Na taj se način može vidjeti razlika u radu i stvaranju tijekom povijesti. I stari, kao i novi filmovi imaju svoje kvalitete, ali prije svega imaju i vrijednost. Stariji dječji filmovi imaju poseban značaj za djecu i trebali bi se ponuditi kao dio bogate kinematografske ponude. Dječji igrani film ima velik utjecaj u suvremenom svijetu, oblikujući kulturu, inspirirajući i potičući raspravu te doprinoseći razumijevanju svijeta i samih sebe.
Film je ključni dio suvremene kulture i društva, donoseći zabavu, obrazovanje, umjetnički izraz i potičući kritičko razmišljanje. Ovaj rad analizira povijesni razvoj hrvatskog dječjeg filma i njegov utjecaj na rast i razvoj djece. Less
Abstract (english) In this paper, a feature film and its genres are presented. Feature films offer numerous advantages for children's growth and development, including the development of critical thinking, cognitive skills, memory, concentration, imagination, creativity, and communication abilities. It is important that the selected film is age-appropriate and thematically suitable so that the child can understand what is happening and maintain focus. Through films, children can learn about human
... More relationships and draw lessons that will benefit them throughout life.
This paper provides an overview of the development of feature films throughout history, from their beginnings to the present day. Over the decades, feature films in Croatia have evolved and demonstrated increasing success each year. Every film and its director, screenwriter, actors, and even costume design are responsible for their success and their contribution to Croatian cinematography and the development of feature films throughout history.
In addition to the history of Croatian feature films, this paper also examines selected children's feature films. The chosen films span from the 1950s to the present day. This allows us to observe the differences in filmmaking and creativity throughout history. Both old and new films have their qualities, but most importantly, they have value. Older children's films hold a special significance for children and should be offered as part of a rich cinematic offering. Children's feature films have a significant impact on the modern world, shaping culture, inspiring discussion, and contributing to an understanding of the world and themselves.
Film is a crucial part of contemporary culture and society, providing entertainment, education, artistic expression, and encouraging critical thinking. This paper analyzes the historical development of Croatian children's cinema and its impact on the growth and development of children. Less
igrani film
suvremena kultura
Keywords (english)
feature film
costume design
contemporary culture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:459955
Study programme Title: Early and preschool education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučililšni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučililšni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-09-28 10:43:35