Title Razvoj zdravstvenog turizma Rovinja na primjeru bolnice "Dr. Martin Horvat"
Title (english) Development of health tourism in Rovinj on the example of hospital " Dr, Martin Horvat"
Author Pamela Knežević
Mentor Fulvio Šuran (mentor)
Committee member Mauro Štifanić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Fulvio Šuran (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mauro Dujmović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Department of Interdisciplinary, Italian and Cultural Studies) Pula
Defense date and country 2016-10-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Briga za očuvanje zdravlja i kvalitete života osnovni su motivi odlaska na zdravstveno-turističko putovanje i boravak.
Zdravstveni turizam je suradničko područje dvaju sektora turističkog i zdravstvenog, osnovna nit vodilja projekta kliničkog kompleksa„Enoch“ bila je stvoriti mjesto koje bi ponudilo jedinstveni prostorni doživljaj. U radu smo kroz niz poglavlja upoznali se s temom kroz opis i analize zdravstvenog turizma u Hrvatskoj, Europi i trendovima na tržištu. Kako bi dobili jasan uvid u stanje i stvorili proizvod na temelju postojeće Bolnice za ortopediju i rehabilitaciju „Prim.dr.Martin Horvat“ u Rovinju te daljnjim ulaganjima. Preuređenjem okoliša, reurbanizacijom i provođenjem projekta kroz tri faze koje bi obuhvaćale zadržavanje odjela za ortopediju i terapijsko-rehabilitacijskog paviljona, uz nadogradnju wellness centra, uređenje šetnica, plaža, sunčališta, parkinga i recepcije.
Stvaranjem odjela za estetsku kirurgiju i wellness centra uz plaže, uvođenjem novog liječničkog kadra, osuvremenjivanjem opreme, obogaćivanjem ponude (restorani, bazeni i sl.), uz praćenje trendova u svijetu i Europi, postoji mogućnost stvaranja konkurentnog proizvoda i podizanje kvalitete i promocija grada Rovinja kao destinacije zdravstvenog turizma, samim time sezona se produljuje na zimsku (uz wellness centar, masaže, unutarnje bazene, sportske sadržaje, i ostalo). Diverzificiratiće se ponuda koja je većinu godine jednolična i fokusirana na masovni turizam i kupališnu ljetnu sezonu Rovinja. Stvaranjem ovakvog projekta i njegovom realizacijom povećava se prihod grada i županije, privlače se strani investitori voljni ulagati u sadašnju Bolnicu, zapošljavanje specijaliziranog kadra a kroz različite dodatne usluge i aktivnosti koje nudi centar Enoch profitira lokalna zajednica grada Rovinja i Istarska županija.
Abstract (english) Caring for the health and quality of life are the main motives for leaving the health-tourist travel and stay.
Health tourism is a collaborative area two sectors of tourism and health, basic guideline project clinical complex "Enoch" was to create a place that would offer a unique spatial experience. The paper through a series of chapters met with the theme through the description and analysis of health tourism in Croatia, Europe and market trends. In order to get a clear insight into the situation and create a product based on the existing Hospital for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation "Prim.dr.Martin Horvat" in Rovinj and further investment. Rearranging the environment, urbanization and implementation of the project in three phases that would include keeping the department of orthopedics and therapeutic rehabilitation pavilion, with the upgrade of the wellness center, landscaping promenade, beach, sunbathing area, parking and reception.
The creation of the Department of Cosmetic Surgery and Wellness Centre with the beach, the introduction of new medical staff, modernization of equipment, enrichment offer (restaurants, pools, etc.), The monitoring of trends in the world and in Europe, there is a possibility of creating a competitive product and raising the quality and promotion of Rovinj as a destination for health tourism, thus extending the season into the winter (with a wellness center, massage, indoor swimming pools, sports facilities, etc.). Diverzificiratiće the offer that is most of the uniform and focused on mass tourism and bathing summer season in Rovinj. The creation of such a project and its realization increases the income of the city and county, attracting foreign investors willing to invest in the current hospital, hiring specialized staff and through a variety of additional services and activities offered by the center Enoch benefiting the local community of Rovinj and Istria.
zdravstveni turizam
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:909356
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulture i turizma (magistar/magistra kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-10-11 11:40:58