Abstract | Dojenje je prirodan način prehrane, a predstavlja poseban oblik interakcije majke i djeteta. Omogućuje stimulaciju svih djetetovih osjetila, pruža sigurnost, emotivnu toplinu te što je najvažnije pruža mnoge zdravstvene dobrobiti kako za majku tako i za dijete. Majčino mlijeko zadovoljava sve djetetove potrebe za prvih 6 mjeseci života, nakon čega je potrebno upotpuniti prehranu odgovarajućim krutim namirnicama. Mlijeko je svojim sastavom u potpunosti prilagođeno djetetovim potrebama i njegovom obrambenom sustavu. Dojenje ima pozitivan utjecaj na psihološki, kognitivni i emotivni razvoj djeteta pa je vrlo bitno da je i generalni društveni stav prema dojenju jednako pozitivan. Stav društva definira pristup i ophođenje prema dojenju. Nedovoljno pridavanje važnosti ovom prirodnom procesu suzbija napredak istog. Stoga tu na važnosti dobivaju strukture koje su usko povezane sa trudnicama, rodiljama i djecom, od primarne zdravstvene zaštite do rodilišta. Obzirom na rezultate ovog istraživanja vidi se i dalje da je potrebno djelovati u smjeru poticanja promocije dojenja u Općoj bolnici Pula. Rodilišta su važna ako ne i
najvažnija mjesta jer tamo se majka prvi put susreće sa svojim novorođenčetom te tamo započinje njihovo prvo iskustvo kada je u pitanju dojenje. Medicinsko osoblje ima važnu ulogu u cijelom ovom procesu. Educiranje zdravstvenog osoblja, pružanje prikladne pomoći te edukacija trudnica, rodilja i članova njihove obitelji je od iznimne važnosti prije i tijekom procesa dojenja. Program edukacije zdravstvenih djelatnika mora biti prilagođen sukladno najnovijim potrebama i saznanjima stručnjaka u tom
području. No, da bi se ostvarili željeni rezultati, osim usmene promocije i dijeljenja informacija potrebno je istu provoditi u praksi. Zalaganje u svrhu promocije dojenja trebalo bi uključivati konstanto usavršavanje djelatnika zdravstvene skrbi, promicanje važnosti dojenja kako za majku tako i za cijelo društvo, stvaranje okruženja koje će poticati dojenje te time pružiti majkama i njihovoj djeci jedno od ljepših i ugodnih iskustava. |
Abstract (english) | Breastfeeding is a natural way of eating, and it represents a special form of interaction between mother and child. It enables the stimulation of all the child's senses, provides security, and emotional warmth, and, most importantly, provides many health benefits for both the mother and the child. Mother's milk meets all the child's needs for the first 6 months of life, after which it is necessary to supplement the diet with suitable solid foods. The composition of milk is fully adapted to the child's needs and defense system. Breastfeeding has a positive impact on the psychological, cognitive, and emotional development of a child, so it is very important that the general social attitude towards breastfeeding is equally positive. Society's attitude defines the approach and attitude towards breastfeeding. Giving insufficient importance to this natural process suppresses its progress. Therefore, structures that are closely related to pregnant women, mothers, and children, from primary health care to maternity hospitals, gain importance here. Considering the results of this research, it can still be seen that it is necessary to act in the direction of encouraging the promotion of breastfeeding in Pula General Hospital. Birthplaces are important, if not more so the most important places because it is there that the mother meets her newborn for the first time and that is where their first experience when it comes to breastfeeding begins. The medical staff has an important role in this whole process. Educating health personnel, providing appropriate assistance, and educating pregnant women, mothers in labor, and their family members is extremely important before and during the breastfeeding process. The education program for healthcare workers must be adjusted according to the latest needs and knowledge of experts in this field area. However, in order to achieve the desired results, in addition to oral promotion and sharing of information, it is necessary to implement it in practice. Advocating for the promotion of breastfeeding should include constant training of health care workers, promotion of the importance of breastfeeding both for the mother and for the entire society, and creating an environment that will encourage breastfeeding and thus provide mothers and their children with one of the most beautiful and pleasant experiences. |