Title Konfucijanizam u Japanu i Kini
Title (english) Confucianism in Japan and China
Author Laura Orioli
Mentor Robert Kurelić (mentor)
Mentor Nataša Visočnik Gerželj (sumentor)
Committee member Irena Srdanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Robert Kurelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Visočnik Gerželj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stefani Silli (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Japanese Studies
Abstract Konfucijanizam je filozofija koja je nastala po učenjima kineskog filozofa Konfucija. U Japan je stigao u razdoblju Yamato, preko Korejskog poluotoka. Japanski princ Shōtoku je stvorio sustav „kapa i činova“ te je napravio ustav od sedamnaest članaka za usklađivanje tadašnjeg kaotičnog društva. U razdoblju Edo, neokonfucijanizam je bio jedan od vodećih filozofija u vladi i edukaciji Tokugawe.
U konfucijanizmu je važan odnos roditelja i djece, sinovska pobožnost, koja se smatra najvećom
... More vrlinom konfucijanizma. Mlađi članovi društva su dužni poštivati i brinuti se o roditeljima i starijima. Djeca moraju staviti potrebe roditelja ispred svojih, poštovati njihovo prosuđivanje i ponašati se prema tome. Djeca trebaju pomagati roditeljima s financijama te fizičkim i svakodnevnim poslovima.
Kina je uglavnom bila patrijarhalna zemlja, gdje su sinovi bili poželjniji jer su mogli raditi teže fizičke poslove i brinuti se o starijima, dok su kćeri smatrali teretom. Žene su jedino imale ulogu u kući kao majke kućanice koje se brinu o djeci i supruzima, dok su muškarci imali ulogu i vani. Iako ne možemo znati što je Konfucije mislio o ženama, iz Analekata se vidi da je žene smatrao nižom klasom, nije mislio da su jednake s muškarcima. U yin i yangu, žene su yin, pasivne, tihe i inferiorne, dok su muškarci yang, snažni, moćni i superiorni.
U konfucijanizmu, etički sustav vrlina je važan kako bi ljudi trebali voditi svoj život. Devet tih vrlina su sreća (xi), mudrost (zhi), ispravnost (li), pravednost (yi), odanost (zhong), reprocitet (shu), kulturna profinjenost (wen), integritet (shin) i dobrohotnost (ren). Takve su kvalitete potrebne za razvoj etike i morala. Oni koji teže savršenstvu imaju koristi od učenja konfucijanskih vrijednosti.
Konfucijanizam najrasprostranjeniji u istočnoj Aziji, no ostavio je utjecaj u Europi i ostatku svijeta. Danas ima dubok utjecaj u Kini i Južnoj Koreji, dok u Japanu više nije aktualna filozofija. Konfucijanizam je utjecao na školovanje, kao i na ideale kao što su odanost, poštovanje i sklad. Less
Abstract (english) Confucianism is a philosophy that originated from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It arrived in Japan in the Yamato period, via the Korean peninsula. The Japanese Prince Shōtoku created a system of "caps and ranks" and made a constitution of seventeen articles to harmonize the then chaotic society. In the Edo period, Neo-Confucianism was one of the leading philosophies in Tokugawa government and education.
In Confucianism, the relationship between parents and
... More children is important, filial piety, which is considered the greatest virtue of Confucianism. Younger members of society are obliged to respect and take care of their parents and elders. Children must put their parents' needs before their own, respect their judgment and act accordingly. Children should help their parents with finances and physical and daily chores.
China was largely a patriarchal country, where sons were preferred because they could do hard physical work and take care of the elderly, while daughters were considered a burden. Women only had a role in the house as housewife mothers who take care of children and husbands, while men also had a role outside. Although we cannot know what Confucius thought of women, it is clear from the Analects that he considered women to be a lower class, he did not think they were equal to men. In yin-yang, women are yin, passive, quiet and inferior, while men are yang, strong, powerful and superior.
In Confucianism, the ethical system of virtues is important to how people should lead their lives. The six virtues are happiness (xi), wisdom (zhi), correctness(li), righteousness (yi), loyalty (zhong), reciprocity (shu), cultural refinement (wen), integrity (shin) and benevolence (ren). Such qualities are necessary for the development of ethics and morality. Those who strive for perfection benefit from learning Confucian values.
Confucianism is most widespread in East Asia, but it has left an impact in Europe and the rest of the world. Today it has a deep influence in China and South Korea, while in Japan it is no longer a current philosophy. Confucianism influenced schooling as well as ideals such as loyalty, respect and harmony. Less
sinovska pobožnost
Keywords (english)
filial piety
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:739888
Study programme Title: Japanese language and culture Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica japanskog jezika i kulture (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica japanskog jezika i kulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-10-26 16:16:35