Title Mjerenje i zaštita od buke u proizvodnom industrijskom procesu
Title (english) Measurement and protection against noise in the industrial production process
Author Dean Ivančić
Mentor Igor Kegalj (mentor)
Committee member Marko Kršulja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Kegalj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Karabaić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Department of Engineering) Pula
Defense date and country 2023-05-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu provelo se istraživanje mjerenja buke u proizvodnom industrijskom procesu i njen utjecaj na radnike, kao i načini zaštite. Korišten je zvukomjer marke Svantek, model SVAN 959. Posjećena su tri tvornice, Tvornica stakla u Puli, Tvornica duhana Rovinj u Kanfanaru i poduzeće TUBUS u Galižani, svaki sa svojim proizvodnim industrijskim procesom. Dobiveni rezultati usporedili su se sa Pravilnikom o zaštiti radnika od izloženosti buci na radu. Tvornica stakla je vrlo glasan pogon, kao i poduzeće TUBUS, koje se bavi prerađivanjem metala. U njima je obavezno korištenje zaštitne opreme protiv buke koja na više mjesta prelazi dozvoljenu zakonsku granicu. U Tvornici stakla su dizne na peći za kaljenje zamijenje sa prigušnicama, što je dovelo do smanjenja razine buke. Situacija u Tvornici duhana je vrlo dobra, obzirom da je to i najmodernija tvornica u kojoj se puno značaja pridonosi zaštiti radnika. Na pojedinim mjestima unutar tvornice razina buke prelazi dozvoljene granice, ali je stoga propisna obavezna upotreba zaštitne opreme protiv buke. Poduzeće TUBUS bavi se obradom i prerađivanjem metala, što je vrlo bučna industrija. Propisana je upotreba zaštitne opreme protiv buke. Bilo bi moguće dodatno smanjiti razine buke apsorberima buke koji bi se postavili oko strojeva i radnih stanica, ali to bi dovelo do smanjenja mogućnosti obrade velikih komada materijala, što nije u interesu poduzeća. Kako tehnologija napreduje i razvija se, tako se razvija i svjest o zaštiti radnika. Puno se pažnje stoga pridonosi upravo zaštiti radnika i načinima poboljšavanja radnih uvjeta u proizvodnim industrijskim procesima.
Abstract (english) In this thesis, research was carried out on the measurement of noise in the production industrial process and its impact on workers, as well as ways of protection. A Svantek sound level meter, model SVAN 959, was used. Three factories were visited, the Glass Factory in Pula, the Rovinj Tobacco Factory in Kanfanar and the TUBUS company in Galižana, each with its own production industrial process. The obtained results were compared with the Ordinance on the protection of workers from exposure to noise at work. The glass factory is a very loud facility, as is the company TUBUS, which deals with metal processing. In them, it is mandatory to use protective equipment against noise that in many places exceeds the legal limit. In the glass factory, the nozzels on the tempering furnace were replaced with chokes, which led to a reduction in noise levels. The situation in the Tobacco Factory is very good, considering that it is also the most modern factory where a lot of importance is given to the protection of workers. In certain places within the factory, the noise level exceeds the permitted limits, but the use of protective equipment against noise is therefore mandatory. The company TUBUS deals with processing of metals, which is a very noisy industry. The use of protective equipment against noise is prescribed. It would be possible to further reduce noise levels with noise absorbers placed around machines and workstations, but this would lead to a reduction in the ability to process large pieces of material, which is not in the company's interest. As technology advances and develops, so does the awareness of worker protection. A lot of attention is therefore given to the protection of workers and ways to improve working conditions in production industrial processes.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:048663
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-01-18 08:48:48