Abstract | Automobil je jedan od izuma bez kojeg u današnje vrijeme gotovo da ne možemo zamisliti svakodnevni život. Prvi automobili pojavili su se već krajem devetnaestog stoljeća, a svoju ekspanziju doživljavaju u dvadesetom stoljeću. U prvoj polovici toga stoljeća započinje proces motorizacije i razvoja autoindustrije u zapadnoeuropskim zemljama i SAD-u. Međutim, Jugoslavija svoju punu ekspanziju doživljava tek nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Jugoslavensko društvo u šezdesetim i sedamdesetim godinama upoznaje sve prednosti posjedovanja automobila i slobode koju vozilo pruža. Dolazi do užurbane motorizacije društva, razvoja popratne infrastrukture te velikih društvenih i kulturnih promjena. Crvena zastava započinje suradnju s talijanskim Fiatom te ubrzo postaje lider na jugoslavenskom tržištu. Kultni fićo postaje simbol motorizacije i novog društva te nezaboravan dio obiteljskih sjećanja. Početkom sedamdesetih isti proizvođač javnosti predstavlja Zastavu 101 koja je postala njezin najprodavaniji model u povijesti s više od milijun primjeraka. Desetljeće kasnije Zastava je predstavila svoj Jugo 45, automobil koji je tvornici iz Kragujevca priskrbio svjetsku slavu. Uz popularne Zastavine modele, na jugoslavenskim cestama su bili prisutni ostali automobili kao što su Volkswagenova buba, Renault 4 i Citroen GS koji su plod rada domaćih tvornica automobila. Ovaj rad proces motorizacije, razvoj automobilske industrije i njihov utjecaj na svakodnevicu prati na temelju literature i niza godišta nekoliko jugoslavenskih automobilskih časopisa. |
Abstract (english) | The car is one of the inventions without which we can hardly imagine everyday life nowadays. The first cars appeared already at the end of the nineteenth century, and they experienced their expansion in the twentieth century. In the first half of that century, the process of motorization and development of the automobile industry began in Western European countries and the USA. However, Yugoslavia experienced its full expansion only after the Second World War. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Yugoslav society learned about all the advantages of owning a car and the freedom it provides. There is a rapid motorization of society, the development of accompanying infrastructure, as well as major social and cultural changes. The factory Crvena Zastava begins cooperation with the Italian Fiat and soon becomes the leader on the Yugoslav market. The cult fićo car becomes a symbol of motorization and the new society, and an unforgettable part of family memories. At the beginning of the seventies, Zastava presented the model Zastava 101, which became its best-selling model in history with more than a million copies. A decade later, Zastava presented its Yugo 45, a car that brought the factory from Kragujevac world fame. In addition to the popular Zastava models, there were other cars on Yugoslav roads, such as the Volkswagen Beetle, Renault 4 and Citroen GS, which are the result of the work of local car factories. The master thesis follows the process of motorization, the development of the automobile industry and their impact on everyday life on the bases of literature and several Yugoslav automotive magazines. |