Title Upotreba priče i bajki u filozofiji s djecom
Title (english) Using stories and fairy tails in philisophy with children
Author Lara Čekada
Mentor Alen Tafra (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alen Tafra (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lorena Lazarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2024-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy Philosophy of Education
Abstract Filozofija s djecom je filozofska disciplina kojoj je cilj razvijanje kritičkog, kreativnog i skrbnog mišljenja kod djeteta. Na najboljim filozofskim tradicijama koje datiraju još od Sokrata, nastoji se potaknuti kvalitetniji odgoj djece. Ovaj rad istražuje kako bajke i priče igraju ključnu ulogu u oblikovanju dječjeg filozofskog razmišljanja. Proučavajući filozofiju s djecom naročito se naglašava važnost priča i bajki kao poticajnog alata za učenje. Priča potiče razvoj kognitivnih i afektivnih
... More sposobnosti, obogaćuje djetetovu maštu, zbog čega je neophodna za stvaralačke igre i aktivnosti. Igra se objašnjava kao temeljna aktivnost djetetovog odrastanja kroz koju dijete zadovoljava svoje potrebe, obogaćuje iskustva, uči, istražuje svijet oko sebe. Djeca se svakodnevno susreću s bajkama u vrtiću te uz njih uče o životu, o tome kako se trebaju ponašati u određenim situacijama. U ovom radu osobita pažnja posvećena je ulozi priča i bajki u ranom etičkom odgoju i obrazovanju. Djeca bajke i priče doživljavaju snažno, poistovjećujući se s likovima, uživajući u njihovim uspjesima i strepeći zajedno s njima u nevoljama. Bajke posjeduju raznoliko bogatstvo i dubinu te uz dobro tumačenje pomažu djeci da shvate svoje najdublje osjećaje, strahove i čežnje. Odgojitelj svojim odabirom, načinom interpretacije, čitanjem ili pripovijedanjem bajke i priče značajno utječe na to koliko će one biti djetetu prihvatljive i zanimljive. Okruženje u kojem se pričaju priče i bajke treba usmjeravati na dijete i u njemu se dijete mora osjećati udobno. Filozofija za djecu svojim metodama poput dijaloškog čitanja može znatno oplemeniti ulogu bajki u vrtiću, i tako pomoći djeci i odgojiteljima u razvoju kritičkog, kreativnog i skrbnog mišljenja. Less
Abstract (english) Philosophy with children is a philosophical discipline whose goal is to develop critical, creative and caring thinking in children. Based on the best philosophical traditions dating back to Socrates, efforts are being made to encourage better education for children. This paper explores how fairy tales and stories play a key role in shaping children's philosophical thinking. When studying philosophy with children, the importance of stories and fairy tales as a stimulating learning tool is
... More especially emphasized. Stories encourage the development of cognitive and affective abilities, enrich the child's imagination, and therefore they are necessary for creative games and activities. Play is explained as the fundamental activity of a child's growth, through which the child satisfies his needs, enriches his experiences, learns, and explores the world around him. Children encounter fairy tales every day in kindergarten, and with them they learn about life, about how they should behave in certain situations. In this work, special attention is paid to the role of stories and fairy tales in early ethical education. Children experience fairy tales and stories strongly, identifying with the characters, enjoying their successes and fearing together with them in their troubles. Fairy tales have a variety of richness and depth, and with a good interpretation, they help children to understand their deepest feelings, fears and longings. By choosing, interpreting, reading or narrating fairy tales and stories, the educator significantly influences how acceptable and interesting they will be to the child. The environment in which stories and fairy tales are told should be focused on the child and the child must feel comfortable in it. Philosophy for children, with its methods such as dialogic reading and various games can significantly enhance the role of fairy tales in kindergarten, and thus help children and educators in developing their critical, creative and caring thinking. Less
filozofija s djecom
dijaloško čitanje
Keywords (english)
philosophy with children
fairy tale
dialogical reading
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:014670
Study programme Title: Early and preschool education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučililšni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučililšni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-07-12 12:10:09