Title Važnost odnosa u obitelji za uspjeh učenika
Title (english) The importance of family relationships for student success
Author Lea Brozović
Mentor Marina Diković (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Diković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Blanuša Trošelj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2024-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Family Pedagogy
Abstract Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti i ispitati mišljenje studenata Fakulteta odgojno obrazovnih znanosti Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli i Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci o odnosima u obitelji i utječu li oni na školski uspjeh djece. U ovom radu najprije su objašnjeni obiteljski čimbenici koji utječu na školski uspjeh djece, a to su: obitelj, obiteljska struktura, komunikacija u obitelji, socioekonomski status i njegov utjecaj na obitelj, stilovi roditeljstva i kakav oni imaju utjecaj na djecu te roditeljska uključenost i obrazovanje roditelja. Istraživanjem se pokazalo da ne mora uvijek biti da odnosi u obitelji utječu direktno na školski uspjeh, ali utječu na ponašanje djeteta. Roditelji često misle da djetetovo loše ponašanje nije produkt loših odnosa u obitelji, no postoje slučajevi gdje jest te utječe na školski uspjeh. Također, ovo i slična istraživanja su dokazala kako su obrazovanje roditelja, roditeljska uključenost pozitivno utjecala na obrazovanje učenika. Djeca kojima su roditelji visokoobrazovani više potiču i stvaraju bolju sliku školovanja te dijete na taj način lakše prihvaća školu i sve što uz nju ide. Većinom djeca koja dolaze iz slabije obitelji po socioekonomskom statusu imaju često lošiji uspjeh nego djeca koja dolaze iz imućnijih obitelji. Zaključno, obitelj ima veliki utjecaj u postizanju školskog uspjeha.
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper was to investigate and examine the opinion of students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula and the University of Rijeka about family relationships and the impact on children's school success. This paper first explains the family factors that influence children's school success, namely: family, family structure, communication in the family, socioeconomic status and its impact on the family, parenting styles and what impact they have on children, and parental involvement and education of parents. Research has shown that it does not always have to be the case that relationships in the family directly affect school success, but they do affect the child's behavior. Parents often think that the child's bad behavior is not a product of bad relationships in the family, but there are cases where it is and affects school performance. Also, this and similar research proved that parental education, parental involvement had a positive effect on student education. Children whose parents are highly educated encourage and create a better image of schooling, and in this way the child accepts school and everything that goes with it more easily. For the most part, children who come from families with a weaker socioeconomic status often have worse success than children who come from immune families. In conclusion, the family has a great influence in achieving school success.
Obiteljska struktura
socioekonomski status
stilovi roditeljstva
roditeljska uključenost
školski uspjeh djece/učenika
Keywords (english)
family structure
socioeconomic status
parenting styles
parental involvement
school success of children/students
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:440618
Study programme Title: Integrated university Teacher education study Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-16 10:58:15