Title Čakavsko narječje u Istri
Title (english) Chakavian Dialect in Istria
Author Larisa Tominić
Mentor Vjekoslava Jurdana (mentor)
Committee member Helena Pavletić
Committee member Vjekoslava Jurdana
Committee member Kristina Riman
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2015-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract Na istarskome se poluotoku najvećim dijelom govori čakavskim narječjem. Prema općeprihvaćenoj klasifikaciji Dalibora Brozovića, u Istri je rasprostranjeno pet od šest dijalekata, od čega najveći dio zauzima jugozapadnoistarski ili štakavsko-čakavski dijalekt, koji nije izvorni, nego migracijski jer su ga sa sobom „donijeli“ doseljenici iz Dalmacije koji su u 16. Stoljeću bježali pred Turcima. Najznačajnije karakteristike čakavskoga narječja su: zamjenica ča, refleks jata, akcentuacija koja je
... More ujedno i najznačajniji fonološki kriterij, odraz prednjeg i stražnjeg nazala, odraz fonema , morfonološke alternacije i druge jezične značajke. Najveće je šarenilo u istarskim govorima zabilježeno u zamjenici ča koja ima trojak odraz: ča, kaj i ca, te u akcentuaciji, zbog toga što su neki govori zadržali stari troakcenatski sustav, u nekima je došlo do pokrate zanaglasnih duljina, dok su drugi govori u potpunosti izgubili akut (dvoakcenatski sustavi) ili je akut nastao prenošenjem kratkosilaznoga naglaska s posljednjega sloga ili ulime na penultimu (noviji troakcenatski sustav), a u jednom je mjestu pokraj Labina čak zabilježen jednoakcenatski sustav. Zbog svega navedenog teško je odrediti koji akcenatski sustav prevladava u Istri. Najveće su posebnosti u odnosu na ostale istarske govore, ali i druge podsustave hrvatskoga jezika zabilježene u buzetskom ili gornjomiranskom dijalektu.
Da je čakavska riječ još uvijek „živa“ dokazuju mnogobrojni suvremeni autori koji u svojim književnim djelima njeguju čakavski istarski izričaj. Na taj način daju doprinos očuvanju čakavskih istarskih dijalekata, ali i pojedinih mjesnih govora. Less
Abstract (english) Mostly spoken dialect on the Istrian peninsula is Chakavian dialect.
According to generally accepted classification by Dalibor Brozović in Istria there is widespread five of the six Croatian dialects, most of which takes south-west Istrian or Shtokavian-Chakavian dialect. The Shtokavian-Chakavian dialect is not the original dialect, but migration because it was "brought" by immigrants from Dalmatia who were escaping from the Turks in the 16th century.
The most important characteristics of
... More Chakavian dialect are: pronoun ČA, reflex yat, accentuation (the most important phonological criterion), a reflection of the front and back nasals, a reflection of phonemes , morphonological alternations and other language features.
The greatest variety in the Istrian speeches is recorded in the pronoun ČA which has a three-fold reflection: ČA, KAJ and CA and accentuation, because some of that speeches kept three - accent old system, in others unaccented lenghts have been cutted, while others speeches were completely lost the acute (two-accent system) or the acute was created by transmission of short-falling accent from the last syllable (new three-accent system), and even in one village near Labin is recorded one-accent system.
For all these reasons it is difficult to determine which accentual system prevails in Istria.
The biggest particularities compared to other Istrian speeches and subsystems of the Croatian language were recorded in Buzet or gornjomiranskom dialect.
Numerous of contemporary authors, who nurture chakavian Istrian expression in their literary works also prove that a „Chakavian word“ is still "alive".
In this way, they contribute to the conservation of chakavian Istrian dialects, as well as certain local dialects. Less
čakavsko narječje
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:463995
Study programme Title: Integrated university Teacher education study Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-03-24 13:15:27