Title Kreativnost u radu s darovitom djecom
Title (english) Creativity in working with gifted children
Author Tena Blažic
Mentor Danijela Blanuša Trošelj (mentor)
Committee member Marina Diković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Blanuša Trošelj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2024, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract U ovome završnome radu govori se o poticanju kreativnosti kod darovite djece. U radu se raspravlja o tome tko je darovito dijete, kakav je odnos obitelji i okoline prema njemu te pojašnjenje same darovitosti. Daroviti pojedinci za razliku od svojih vršnjaka puno stvari naprave bolje, uspješnije, brže i prije te su samim time i rezultati veći i puno uspješniji, odnosno postižu natprosječne rezultate. Svoju visoke sposobnosti mogu izražavati u jednome ili više područja. Radom se nastoji naglasiti
... More važnost ranoga prepoznavanja i otkrivanja darovitosti, podrške od strane odgajatelja i obitelji. Zadaća svih u djetetovoj okolini: obitelji, odgajatelja, prijatelja, stručnjaka je da potiču darovito dijete, da ga ohrabruju, budu oslonac i „vjetar u leđa“. Naglašavaju se osobine i specifičnosti koje djeca posjeduju te faktori koji utječu na njih. Djeca su pomoću svoga znanja, sposobnosti i kreativnosti od velikoga značaja u društvu. Uloženi trud, vjera u darovite i njihove mogućnosti imaju veliki značaj u budućnosti. Nadalje, spominje se kako su igra i igračke neizostavni dio djetinjstva te se ukazuje njihova važnost za razvoj logičkoga razmišljanja, poticanje govora, razvoja mašte i kreativnosti te snalažljivosti u prostoru. Pomoću njih dijete stječe važne kompetencije za daljnji razvoj. U radu su prikazane igre i aktivnosti kojima se potiče kreativnost. Najbitnije je odabrati kvalitetne, motivirajuće, inspirirajuće igre i aktivnosti kako bi se dječja kreativnost, maštovitost i originalnost razvijala. Najvažnije je da su u skladu s dječjim mogućnostima te njihovim potrebama. Less
Abstract (english) This bachelor thesis is about encouraging creativity in gifted children. The thesis talks about who is a gifted child, what is the attitude of the family and environment towards him and the explanation of giftedness itself. Gifted individuals, in contrast to their peers, do many things better, more successfully, faster and sooner, and therefore the results are greater and much more successful, that is, they achieve above-average results. They can express their high abilities in one or more
... More areas. The bachelor thesis tries to emphasize the importance of early recognition and discovery of giftedness, the support of educators and families. The task of everyone around the child, family, educators, friends, professionals is to encourage a gifted child, encourage him, be his support and "wind at his back". The characteristics and specificities that children possess and the factors that affect them are emphasized. Children have a great importance in society with their knowledge, abilities and creativity. Invested effort, faith in the gifted and their possibilities have great importance in the future. Furthermore, it is mentioned that games and toys are an indispensable part of childhood, and their importance for the development of logical thinking, the stimulation of speech, the development of imagination and creativity, and resourcefulness in space is indicated. With their help, the child acquires important competencies for further development. The paper presents games and activities that stimulate creativity. The most important thing is to choose quality, motivating, inspiring games and activities in order to develop creativity, imagination and originality in children. The most important thing is that they are in accordance with the child's capabilities and their needs. Less
Ključne riječi: darovitost
darovito dijete
aktivnosti u vrtiću
Keywords (english)
Keywords: giftedness
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:699441
Study programme Title: Early and preschool education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučililšni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučililšni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-09-17 22:08:23