Author Željka Krištić
Mentor Marina Stanić Šulentić (mentor)
Committee member Milan Stanić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivona Blažević Dević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Stanić Šulentić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod (Department of Social Sciences and Humanities) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2023-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Europski projekt od samog početka uključuje obvezu poticanja slobodnog kretanja ljudi. To je počelo poprimati oblik 1980-ih, kada je pet država članica odlučilo stvoriti zajedničko područje slobodnog kretanja – teritorij bez unutarnjih granica. Schengensko područje počelo je djelovati 1995. godine, dopuštajući ljudima da se slobodno kreću jer su kontrole na unutarnjim granicama ukinute, te je stvorena jedinstvena vanjska granica. Taj je razvoj sa sobom donio potrebu za koordiniranom zaštitom vanjske granice prema zajedničkim standardima, dajući vladama i građanima država povjerenje u sigurnost područja slobodnog putovanja, te povjerenje da mogu vjerovati drugim državama da će čuvati granice sigurnima. Na temelju integrirane suradnje među vladama država, 2004. godine Europsko vijeće osnovalo je Frontex, Agenciju za upravljanje operativnom suradnjom na vanjskim granicama Europske unije, a koja 2016. godine preuzima svoje trenutno ime i strukturu kao Frontex, Agencija za europsku graničnu i obalnu stražu. Novom Uredbom o europskoj graničnoj i obalnoj straži, 2019. godine mandat Agencije dodatno je proširen, otvarajući put stvaranju prve uniformirane službe Europske unije i stalnih snaga sa 10 000 službenika opremljenih najnovijom opremom i izvršnim ovlastima za obavljanje glavnih zadaća kao što su praćenje migracijskih tokova, provođenje analize rizika i procjene ranjivosti, koordinacija i organiziranje zajedničkih operacija i brzih graničnih intervencija, pružanje pomoći državama članicama Europske unije u operacijama povratka i borbi protiv organiziranog prekograničnog kriminala i terorizma na vanjskim granicama Europske unije, te pružanje potpore u obuci granične policije i stručnjaka država članica, uključujući provedbu zajedničkih standarda obuke i pomoć u tehničkoj i operativnoj suradnji između država članica i zemalja koje nisu članice Europske unije. Misija Agencije za europsku graničnu i obalnu stražu je promicanje, koordinacija i razvoj upravljanja europskim granicama u skladu s Poveljom Europske unije o temeljnim pravima i konceptom integriranog upravljanja granicama. Frontex u suradnji s državama članicama/zemljama pridruženima Schengenu potiče postupak usklađivanja, integracije i razvoja najboljih praksi u području integriranog upravljanja granicama. Temeljni cilj te strategije je ojačati sposobnosti i kapacitete upravljanja granicama i objediniti ih na jedinstvenoj i zajedničkoj europskoj razini u okviru zajedničke vizije – zaštite europskog područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde.
Abstract (english) From the very beginning, the European project includes the obligation to encourage the free movement of people. This began to take shape in the 1980s, when five member states decided to create a common area of free movement – a territory without internal borders. The Schengen area began operating in 1995, allowing people to move freely as internal border controls were abolished, and a single external border was created. This development has brought with it the need for coordinated protection of the external border according to common standards, giving the governments and citizens confidence in the security of the free travel area, and the confidence that they can trust other countries to keep the borders secure. On the basis of integrated cooperation between state governments, in 2004 the European Council established Frontex, the Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the European Union, which in 2016 assumed its current name and structure as Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency. With the new Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard, in 2019 the Agency's mandate was further expanded, paving the way for the creation of the first uniformed service of the European Union and a permanent force with 10,000 officers equipped with the latest equipment and executive powers to perform the main tasks such as monitoring migration flows, conducting risk analysis and vulnerability assessment, coordinating and organizing joint operations and rapid border interventions, providing assistance to EU member states in return operations and fighting organized cross-border crime and terrorism at the external borders of the European Union, providing support in border police training and experts from member states, including the implementation of common training standards and assistance in technical and operational cooperation between member states and countries that are not members of the European Union. The mission of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency is to promote, coordinate and develop European border management in accordance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the concept of integrated border management. Frontex, in cooperation with member states/countries associated with Schengen, promotes the process of harmonization, integration and development of best practices in the field of integrated border management. The fundamental goal of this strategy is to strengthen the capabilities and capacities of border management and unify them at a single and common European level within the framework of a common vision – the protection of the European area of freedom, security and justice.
schengensko područje
vanjske granice
integrirano upravljanje granicama
unutarnja sigurnost
Keywords (english)
Schengen area
external borders
integrated border management
internal security
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:602652
Study programme Title: Professional graduate study program in Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije (stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-09-29 07:17:58