Author Fatmir Azemi MBZ: 39376
Mentor Roberto Lujić (mentor) MBZ: 212244
Committee member Ivan Samardžić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 165270
Granter University of Slavonski Brod (Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2021-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization
Abstract Today, the “Industry 4.0” concept is becoming a key concept worldwide. Experts define Industry 4.0 as the term “intelligent networking of machines and processes in the industry with the help of Information and Communication Technology”. The main goal of Industry 4.0 is to improve value chains throughout the product life cycle.
Through research in the doctoral dissertation, the state of the art of the Kosovo’s industry was assessed and the contribution to Industry 4.0 was defined by the
... More development of the launching and scheduling models and their implementation in an innovative smart company. The necessary data for the development of the launching and scheduling model was obtained by researching process through three questionnaires, interviews, case studies, and heuristic approaches and modelling techniques.
The first and second questionnaires show the results of the current state of the industry in Kosovo and its level concerning Industry 4.0. After the analysis of the current situation, the following problems were highlighted: insufficient use of ICT, low level of productivity, mismatch of capacities with needs, small investments in research and development and staff education, insufficient use of resources, redistribution of business activities, production priorities, production planning, training and retraining of employees, etc. Due to the problems that have been highlighted in operational preparation, the objective was to develop a launching and scheduling model in production by taking into consideration several parameters important for the production system. There are different activities and operations in the production system having requirements for the same capacities, which can cause bottlenecks but also queues in front of the required resources. The goal is to determine the order (suboptimal) in which technological operations will be performed to achieve the goals in terms of meeting due dates but also minimizing production costs. The launching model determines the importance of the jobs that will be performed in the production process in certain order.
Based on the research conducted in the third questionnaire, the parameters having a greater impact are proposed, which relate to business goals, customer needs and conditions from the surrounding environment that affect the enterprise and that can significantly increase the performance and profit of the enterprise. The proposed parameters are included in a mathematical-algorithmic launching model based on several categorical levels related to the production process, i.e. profit, delivery times, processing times, product types, materials, required quality, product complexity, resource use, etc. The developed launching and scheduling models provide a practical framework for transforming existing factories into smart factories capable to compete in the global market. Less
Abstract (english) Koncept „Industrije 4.0” danas postaje ključni koncept u cijelom svijetu. Eksperti definiraju Industriju 4.0 kao pojam “inteligentnog umrežavanja strojeva i procesa u industriji uz pomoć informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije”. Glavni cilj Industrije 4.0 je poboljšati lance vrijednosti tijekom cijelog životnog ciklusa proizvoda.
Kroz istraživanja u doktorskom radu ocijenilo se stanje kosovske industrije i definirao doprinos Industriji 4.0 razvojem modela lansiranja i
... More raspoređivanja te njihovom implementacijom u inovativno pametno poduzeće. Do potrebnih podataka za razvoj modela lansiranja i raspoređivanja došlo se istraživanjem kroz tri upitnika, intervjue, studije slučaja te heurističkih pristupa i tehnika modeliranja.
Kroz prvi i drugi upitnik su prikazani rezultati trenutnog stanja industrije na Kosovu i njihova razina u odnosu na Industriju 4.0. Nakon analiza trenutnog stanja, istaknuti su sljedeći problemi: nedovoljna upotreba informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija, niska razina produktivnosti, neusklađenost kapaciteta s potrebama, mala ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj te obrazovanje osoblja, nedovoljna iskorištenost resursa, preraspodjela poslovnih aktivnosti, proizvodni prioriteti, planiranje proizvodnje, osposobljavanje i prekvalifikacije zaposlenika, itd. Zbog problema u operativnoj pripremi proizvodnje te niza parametara koji su važni za proizvodni sustav razvijen je model lansiranja u proizvodnji. U proizvodnom sustavu postoje različite aktivnosti i operacije koje imaju zahtjeve za istim kapacitetima, što može uzrokovati pojavu uskih grla, ali i redova čekanja ispred potrebnih resursa. Cilj je odrediti redoslijed (suboptimalan) kojim će se tehnološke operacije izvoditi kako bi se realizirali ciljevi u smislu ispunjavanja rokova isporuke, ali i minimiziranja troškova proizvodnje. Model lansiranja određuje značaj poslova koji će se redoslijedom izvoditi u proizvodnom procesu.
Na osnovi istraživanja provedenih u trećem upitniku predloženi su parametri koji imaju veći utjecaj, a koji se odnose na poslovne ciljeve, potrebe kupaca i uvjeta iz pripadajuće okoline koji djeluju na poduzeće i koji značajno mogu utjecati na povećanje performansi i profita poduzeća. Predloženi parametri su uključeni u matematičko-algoritamski model lansiranja koji se temelji na nekoliko kategorijskih razina vezanih uz proces proizvodnje, tj. dobiti, rokova isporuke, vremena obrade, vrste proizvoda, materijala, potrebne kvalitete, složenosti proizvoda, korištenja resursa, itd. Razvijeni modeli lansiranja i raspoređivanja pružaju praktični okvir za pretvaranje postojećih tvornica u pametne tvornice koje se mogu natjecati na globalnom tržištu. Less
Industry 4.0
Kosovo’s Industry
Operational preparation
Keywords (english)
Industrija 4.0
Industrija Kosova
Operativna priprema
Raspoređivanje (terminiranje)
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:967363
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Study Mechanical Engineering; specializations in: Modern Manufacturing Processes, Modern Production Management, Design and Numerical Modelling of Products Course: Modern Manufacturing Processes Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-05-20 12:41:43